Kendall County launches 211 social services phone line

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The 211 human and social services phone line launched in Kendall County this month connects citizens of all ages with more than 1,000 governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations providing services.

Operators are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year to answer questions and give important information. Calls are free and confidential, and assistance is available in more than 150 languages! This free referral hotline has become standard across the country. Illinois is one of the last states to have 211 established. With 102 counties in the State, there is 211 service in just 51 of Illinois counties.

Many counties started the service with a startup grant to get established. In Kendall County, however, the County government has committed to supporting the service in part for the first four years, with plans to see the funding continue into the future. A steering committee representing every municipality in the County as well as key stakeholders in social service organizations have been leading the charge. Right now, 211 is funded through the remaining Kendall County ARPA funds, but Kendall County 211 is always seeking partners in the community to keep this valuable service available to its citizens.

Kane County started its 211 program approximately four years ago and is live as well. Cook County just launched 211 in addition to its 311 City of Chicago services hotline. Now Chicago should have the ability to link nationally through the 211 system.

The 211 service offers assistance in accessing food, shelter, clothing, housing, rent, and utility assistance, counseling services, substance abuse intervention, domestic violence intervention, and sexual assault intervention. Transportation, local support groups for a variety of physical and mental health as well as caregiver issues, access to senior services, help and advice for dealing with aging parents, child care options in the County area, who’s hiring, legal assistance, and health care. Need disability resources? Call 211. Need help finding educational or vocational training? Call 211. The 211 call center will become a valuable asset in case of disasters and disaster relief.

In fact, any non-profit agency, and any for profit company offering free services can be, and should be, listed with 211. Faith-based programs can be registered with 211. If your nonprofit organization or business would like to be a part of the 211 database, contact PATH at for more information.

Callers can seek answers, and operators can find access the information to help. There is an opportunity to find ways that you can volunteer to help a cause, or to donate money, food, clothing, and furniture.

As you may imagine, offering this service is a large undertaking. County 211 call centers are actually facilitated through regional call centers. The Kendall County service is being administered through PATH Crisis in Bloomington Ill. near Illinois State University. The call center will have the benefit of an overabundance of student and intern service volunteers to manage the call volume.

In addition to the option of picking up the phone and dialing 211, information is available online at You can text 898211 to reach and communicate to 211 by text, or callers can dial 888-865-9903 to seek 211 help.

If a caller’s needs are more serious than just a referral, operators easily can connect callers with 988 or 911 service, too.

In a world where more residents are finding it hard to make ends meet, where residents are more mobile than ever, and where our social and emotional needs are more complex, 211 enters at just the right moment.

Congratulations and thank you Kendall County for making 211 service available for us to share with friends and loved ones.

Barb Nadeau is the community relations manager for the Voluntary Action Center of Northern Illinois, representing five counties. Barb’s career includes many years as a professional television and radio host, as well as a print and social media journalist, and as a volunteer coordination professional, networking amongst non-profit social service agencies throughout Illinois. She is a freelance writer and an elected alderperson in the City government of Plano. Contact Barb at

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