The Kiwanis Club of Aurora is accepting nominations for its annual Service to God and Fellow Man Award. The criteria for the award is that nominees have voluntarily provided extraorinary service in the Aurora area and at least 21 years of age. Nominees considered for the honor are to have demonstrated, through life, a consistently charitable spirit and extraordinary service in or to the community.
The individual(s) selected will be presented the award, and a $1,000 donation to the charity of their choice, at a banquet in their honor in late April.
To nominate an individual, submit that person’s name, contact information, and reasons for deserving this award, along with the nominee’s resume (if available), and at least one, but no more than three letters of support from individuals and/or organizations positively impacted by the nominee.
Nomination forms may be obtained from any member of the Aurora Kiwanis Club or through the website at and must be received no later than February 28 by mail to Aurora Kiwanis Club, P.O. Box 1551, Aurora, IL 60507-1551 or E-mail to
— Kiwanis Club of Aurora