Kiwanis Club of Aurora One Day helpful

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Kiwanis One Day is a city-wide of community service day to help the environment. As part One Day in Aurora, 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 15, there is a medication disposal drop-off at the Aurora Transportation Center, 233 N. Broadway, Aurora.

The drop-off will accept all medications except controlled substances. The goal is to keep medications out of our water way and protect our environment.

Kiwanis is a partner with Fox Metro Water Reclamation District, City of Aurora government, Aurora Township, Fox Valley Park District, and other agencies in conducting what they hope will be another successful clean-up event.

Chairman for this community-wide event is Dan Rivera, is a human relations and safety supervisor for Fox Metro. He noted on this drop-off, “We do not want medications being flush down the toilet and into our Fox River. So please do visit our drop-off with your old drugs.”

For more information about Kiwanis One Day visit

—Kiwanis Club of Aurora

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