Let’s Talk Trash on Zoom February 7

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Valley of the Fox Sierra Club invites all to a Zoom program at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 7. The Zoom link is us02web.zoom.us/j/2933277588

The program will be Waste Privilege, or, Let’s Talk Trash. Elgin resident Robin Migalla has been on an environmentalist path for more than 50 years. With tongue in cheek, she often refers to herself as “Greeniac At Large”. Dedicated to a life lived without harm she’s come to realize that our modern culture makes that nearly impossible.

She said, “As privilege is wont to do, our attitude of waste privilege is leading us down a dangerous path.” Growing us in a world of feminists trying to liberate themselves from homemaking and using modern convenience to do so, she’s had to fight her inner battle to not follow suit. She’ll often quote our familiar green friend Kermit the Frog, “it’s not easy being green.”

As an active member of Elgin Green Groups 350 she spends much of her time educating others about how to take the next small step toward a more sustainable future in our own lives. Her home, sporting solar panels and moving towards a permaculture playground, is in an ordinary subdivision backing up to Hawthorne Hill Nature Center.

It will be an interactive program, so please attend and feel free to ask questions and make comments. Robin Migalla suggests that you may want to view a couple of suggested videos prior to attending the Zoom program.

—Valley of the Fox Sierra Club

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