Loaves & Fishes: Name to flagship building

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Loaves & Fishes Community Services is celebrating the naming of its flagship Naperville building as the Frank J. Rus & Donald S. Toy Food Market & Resource Center in response to a generous gift from the Frank J. Rus & Donald S. Toy Giving Fund. The gift supports the programs and services offered by Loaves & Fishes, especially the food market which is serving a record number of families in need.

“I am happy to give a gift that makes such a difference in the lives of others and also honors Frank,” said Don Toy. “I know he would be very pleased to be able to help so many people.”

The late Frank J. Rus was a Naperville resident committed to his community and lauded for helping others in their time of need. Donald S. Toy worked with Rus for many years; Toy is known for believing in healthy communities and striving to make Naperville a positive and meaningful place for all families.

“This incredible gift is making such an impact,” added Mike Havala, President/CEO of Loaves & Fishes Community Services. “Thousands of people are served via our food market every week. We are very grateful for this tremendous support.”

The Loaves & Fishes Naperville building was opened in 2011 and houses the food market and programs for self-sufficiency. The administrative offices are there as well. The organization serves more than 8,000 recipients a week, which is more than double the number from the beginning of last year.

The Loaves & Fishes service area consists of DuPage, Kane, Kendall, and Will Counties, and provides several ways for families to receive their food. Food is processed and stored at the Loaves & Fishes Linnea Eleanor Rutkowski Food Distribution Hub, 580 Exchange Court in Aurora.

—Loaves and Fishes Community Services

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