Make Earth Great Again:

Make Earth Great Again Aurora resident and author Vernon LaVia
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Aurora resident and author Vernon LaVia expresses his concern for the environment, Tuesday at the Kiwanis Club of Aurora meeting at the Prisco Center. He presented information about his new book “Make Earth Great Again: Earth Avoidance & Our Disappearing Connection with Nature.” The book explains how Earth’s population in just 50 years has more than doubled from 3.6 Billion to 7.6 Billion. At the same time, humans have moved into cities at an alarming rate and gross consumerism has practically become a religion. As a result, a 60% decline in all animal and plant life (i.e. biodiversity) on the planet. The book LaVia co-authored provides examples of how we can alter the arc of consumerism and curb waste, while focusing on getting back to nature…instead of avoiding it.

Jason Crane/The Voice

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