Many holiday programs at Aurora Public Library District truly delightful

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The weather outside may be frightful, but the programs at the Aurora Public Library District (APLD) are certainly delightful! This month we have offerings to celebrate the holidays, keep teens busy during Winter break, and help you find a new favorite item to read.

If you visit the Children’s Department you may notice an abundance of gingerbread cookies on display. Our “Disguise the Gingerbread Man” contest is currently running until December 19. You can pick up a gingerbread coloring sheet from the Children’s Department and transform it into anything that does not look like a cookie ready to be eaten! You can return your gingerbread in disguise and one winner will be chosen from each of three locations to win a gingerbread decorating kit.

While dropping off your gingerbread, you can take a stroll through our Holiday Celebrations in Many Lands exhibit. This Library tradition started 45 years ago to honor and recognize the diverse ways our community celebrates the holidays. Eola Road Branch manager, Krista Danis, said, “Viewers of this year’s Holiday Celebrations in Many Lands exhibit can expect to receive a visual storytelling experience, one that is intended to shift and evolve with our growing community. We also hope to inspire the telling of new stories and the sharing of new traditions as we uniquely experience and celebrate our holidays.”

The exhibit will be on display until January 3, 2022. You can visit all three APLD Library locations to absorb the experience of the many countries represented in this exhibit.

You can show us how you celebrate the holidays at home by submitting photos to our Celebrations in Many Homes online exhibition. If you send up to three photos of your home, or business, decorated by Friday, Dec. 17 you will be included in our Christmas Eve slideshow. You can send your photos by E-mail to to participate.

While students are home for Winter break, teens can visit the Library for events from ways to give back to the community while earning volunteer credit to ways to become creative! December 19, you can stop at the Teen Program Room at Santori Library at 3 p.m. to make card-holders for residents of a local nursing home. You can express your creativity at West Branch December 20 at 4 p.m. where teens can repurpose a vinyl record into a work of art! A customized painted record would make a unique holiday gift.

When the holiday hustle and bustle winds down, perhaps you’ll be looking for a new favorite book. The Aurora Public Library District offers multiple book discussion groups both in person and virtually. The Eola Road Branch Breakfast Book Club reads a variety of fiction titles and meets next at 10:30 a.m. December 29 for a lively discussion. Copies of the selected title are available at the second-floor reference desk. Don’t have time to attend a book discussion? Visit for book lists, reviews, and videos to help you find your next new read!

For more information about all our Library programs, please visit

Andrea Tiberi is the communications coordinator for the Aurora Public Library District.

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