Meeting the moment important in circumstances

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Timing is important in life. Whether to be in position to do things well, to help others, or, to avoid problems, we must consider our surroundings.

February 15, 2019, three years ago, circumstances took my course to the parking lot in the Prisco Family Market on Prairie Avenue in Aurora. Suddenly all customers in the store were ushered out and told to go west on Praire. The sirens and parade of emergency vehicles left the undeniable impression there were problems on Prairie. Police blocked vehicle traffic on Praire from going east. An hour later the scene became evident. There was a shooting nearby at Henry Pratt Company.

The ceremony in remembrance of the shooting at the Henry Pratt Company building in Aurora February 15, 2019, brings together, at the display, from left, Richard Irvin, mayor of Aurora; Gary Krienitz, fire chief, Aurora; and Keith Cross, police chief, Aurora, at the Aurora Historical Society Tuesday this week, three years later. They leave yellow roses for each victim. Left is the family of Vicente Juarez, one of five who was killed three years ago at the plant. City of Aurora government Facebook video screenshot
The city of Aurora remembers individuals lost in a mass shooting February 15, 2019 at Henry Pratt Company in Aurora. The following five individuals were killed: Russell Beyer, Vicente Juarez, Clayton Parks, Josh Pinkard and Trevor Wehner.
Five Aurora Police Officers wounded as they ran toward the danger in the Henry Pratt facility were: John Cebulski, Marco Gomez, Adam Miller, Reynaldo Rivera and James Zegar. City of Aurora government Facebook photos

Five men died of gun wounds and the shooter was dead. Protective Aurora Police officers were on the scene. Five police officers were injured by the lone gunman, however, all police officers survived. See pages 1 and 12 for more information on the day and on the remembrance ceremony held in Aurora Tuesday, Feb. 15, three years ago, just one day after Valentine’s Day, an upbeat day in society.

• February is a special month for birthdays on the historical, national scene, in the Crane family, and with 99-year-old Ray Moore of Aurora. Ray Moore, a member of the Fox Valley Veterans Breakfast Club, is known for his good sense, friendly manner, and as a World War II veteran of heavy combat duty with the U.S. Army Air Corps. See page 1 for his compelling story and achievements. Prior to meeting him at the Fox Valley Veterans Breakfast Club, then at Grandma’s Table in Montgomery, there were numerous images of his peering out of the engineer’s cab of the Burlington Northern at the Aurora train terminal, looking with approval and the passengers he had delivered safely. He would survey the passengers moving quickly to continue their day. His birthday is February 12. The 99-year-old Moore shares his birthday with Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, likely the greatest president of the United States, who met his many months of circumstances with fortitude and greatness. That story deserves explication for us all. First U.S. president George Washington is another February birthday who is in the Lincoln class. Regarding the Crane family birthdays, there are five in the family who celebrate birthdays in February with joy, anticipation, and enjoy a sense of greatness. Happy birthday all, with love!

• Clear and Concise, Week 7 Year 3: Words and terms to help fortify communication, understanding, and ease of dialogue, week three in this gathering on differences between nouns and verbs. Schedule is a noun, even though it is often used as a verb. Battle is another noun too many of us use as verbs. Understanding the differences and using nouns correctly instead of as verbs leads to clearer writing and better communications. Under way is two words.

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