Poem: Memorial Day 2022

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This day is set aside for those who died in war;
To pay them homage and respect for sacrifice and more.
This day should be one where we try to reach and touch
Because, not having been in war, you really don’t know much.
For instance, take the veteran who has a Purple Heart;
What he went through to keep on living would tear you apart.
The frenzy just to do that is quite memorable as well;
But, of this, you know nothing—for of that they never tell.
But veterans who come out of a war without a scratch
Will likely carry memories of horror that would match,
For war is Hell, and seeing men die right in front of you
Is something you cannot forget, no matter what you do.
Memorial Day is more than just a day to pay respect;
It’s meant to have you reach inside yourself, and to reflect!

© Richard Williams

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