Mexican culture: Love, happiness

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Cinco de Mayo, May 5, is a celebration of Mexican heritage and culture.

Here are two relevant comments:

• Nicole Fuentes, author, life coach, professor at Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico:
“Mexicans are overachievers in the production of happiness. The Mexican recipe to happiness includes a large dose of social contact. Lots of social bonding, talking, laughing, and joking. Families eat together, and these meals often include grandparents, sons, daughters, in-laws, grandchildren, cousins. Friends at work eat together almost every day. Anything is an excuse for people to get together to watch soccer, football, BBQ with family, and friends. There is music, beer, lots of jokes. The keys to happiness are: Spend less time alone; laugh more, find happiness in little things; stop glorifying being busy all the time; be humble; grow your circle of friends, happiness gets amplified when you’re surrounded by people.”

• Sandra Cisneros:
“True love in Mexico isn’t between lovers; it’s between a parent and a child. Mexico is a culture of sons adoring their mothers. The one constant, faithful, holy love of loves, the love of your life, is not your wife, or your lover; it’s your mother.”

—Scott Awbrey

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