•Happy New Year, dear reader! It’s 2025 already. Where does the time go?
I’m going to make two New Year’s resolutions which I haven’t done in a long, long time. First, I resolve not to be dismayed by the election of Donald Trump (T. Rump), but will double down on his attacks on our democracy. Many progressives have thrown in the towel, but not me. I am made of sterner stuff. Besides, I owe it to my “fan club” to keep fighting the good fight.
Second, I resolve to give a certain contributor to The Voice a thorough sponge bath whenever he wipes himself with the pages of this publication.
•Let’s start with that hoary old bugaboo, abortion, shall we? B.S. has used his style of b.s. in the issue of this publication of December 12, 2024, painting a very grisly portrait of abortion designed to send chills up and down one’s spine. He has, however, left out an important point: Why? Why is abortion necessary?
The Chas has said many times in the past that he is both pro-choice and pro-life. He has said that, if you think that is a contradiction, then you haven’t researched the topic sufficiently. He has read every argument on abortion, pro and con, and he has concluded that a lot of people are simply spitting against the wind.
The reasons for pro-choice are necessarily few in number (as they should be), rape, incest, the life/health of the mother, and a defective fetus. In the first two instances, the woman has been denied the baby she wanted to have and will look upon the baby she has been forced to have with indifference. The child will grow up unwanted and unloved and may turn to drugs, alcohol, and/or criminal behavior. The third instance is self-explanatory. In the fourth instance, a defective fetus is not likely to be viable out of the womb and will die on the instant. If it is viable, he/she will be robbed of his/her potential and be an economic burden on his/her parents and/or society as a whole.
B.S.’s example of abortion as murder, displays his ignorance of pregnancy and child birth which fairly glares out at us. His description tells us that the fetus has “flipped” and is coming out feet first. Any sane person knows that the fetus will never make it out but will rip open the birth canal and cause internal hemorrhaging, resulting in the death of both the mother and the child. The doctors have no choice but to remove the fetus as expeditiously as possible in order to save the life of the mother.
Then there is the matter of still-borns and miscarriages. Does B.S. think these are “murders” also? If so, who does he think should be arrested, prosecuted, and convicted? And why? His failure to comprehend the why’s boggles the mind.
The reason for pro-life numbers only one – inconvenience. The woman believes having a child is too expensive or is a hindrance to her other activities. Has she never heard of contraception? But, ah, wait! The pro-lifers, men in particular, oppose contraception as well; they believe that every sex act should end in a pregnancy and that every pregnancy should go to term regardless of the consequences. The Chas disagrees and rejects the inconvenience argument.
•Being a vegetarian/vegan can be difficult in these United States, especially if one is eating in a public venue. First of all, one has to spend a lot of time actually finding an eatery which offers a vegetarian/vegan option. Most eateries cater to the carnivores in our midst. Once one has found an eatery which claims to offer the option or, lo and behold, which caters to herbivores, one has to check the menu with a magnifying glass, because the establishment may sneak a dairy product into the so called vegetarian/vegan dish.
I have, more times than I care to count, ordered a vegetarian item, only to find a dairy product (usually cheese) in the item. I would like to scream to the heavens my indignation. Since when were dairy products vegetables, eh? But that response would not be polite, would it, dear reader? A “no, thank you” would be the proper response, wouldn’t it? And so I grin and bear it.
The whole idea of vegetarianism/veganism is to maximize one’s health and to spare the lives of countless animals which carnivores gobble up by the ton. Didn’t I tell you I was pro-life?
Just a thought.