Election season continues. Communities, including Aurora, Montgomery, and Naperville, this week are determining ballot order for the February 23 Primary Election and the April 6 Consolidated Election.
Naperville, led by city manager Doug A. Krieger, and Pam Gallahue, City clerk, through a lottery drew names for ballot positions. There is a strategy, either to be listed near the top, or, at the bottom on the ballot. There were 11 candidates for Naperville City Council. The drawing for the top position was among the six who were present prior to the opening hour on the first day to sign up. In order, first through sixth: Paul Leong, John J. Krummen, Vasavi Chakka, Jim Haselhorst, Ian Holzhauer, Jennifer Bruzan Taylor. Nos. 10 and 11 are Mark Urda and Benny White.

Important items to be included:
• According to Lisa Garcia, who organized the tribute to 100-year-old veteran Johnny Kee in Aurora November 21 (see The Voice), died Monday.
• Sarah Mansur reports for Capitol News Illinois this week that regarding the State-run LaSalle Veterans Home and the outbreak of COVID-19 in which approximately 20% of the residents died, Republican Party lawmakers renewed calls for hearings.
Linda Chapa LaVia, Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs director, announced there would be an independent investigation.
• Aurora Police Chief Kristen Ziman did not receive the appointment for police chief in Nashville, Tenn. as one of five finalists.
• Yes, we can, and must, continue to have regard for others and ourselves and wear masks, keep a physical distance, and wash our hands. It is not perfect. It just beats the odds and has nothing to do with politics, or with bravado. Just common sense.
Clear and Concise, Week 48:
• In comparative narrative: Using more than is correct, the word over is incomplete;
• Because the word transition is a noun, it should not be used as a verb;
• Precise and concise: In reference to quantity it is ineffective to say or write in a number of cases….Is it two or 22? If the number is uncertain, references such as few, or many, can be acceptable.