• Through March 29
The Secret of My Success
Is success money? A powerful job? A happy marriage? Join us for the World Premiere of The Secret of My Success, a hilarious, heartfelt, new musical, based on Universal Pictures film. Brantley Foster, a young, ambitious, midwesterner, moves to New York City to start his dream job at a major corporation, only to be laid off on the very first day. In his relentless enthusiasm to succeed, Brantley finds himself tangled up in a sidesplitting scheme in which he assumes the identity of a rising executive named Carlton Whitfield. Paramount Theatre, 23 East Galena Boulevard.
For more information call 630.896.6666 or visit paramountaurora.com.
• Saturday, Feb. 15 • 7 a.m. – noon
Aurora Girl Scout Troop 4785 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
Aurora Girl Scout Troop 4785 will hold a pancake breakfast fundraiser at Wesley United Methodist Church, 14 N. May Street. The public is invited. Parking is free. The menu includes all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, biscuits and gravy and fruit with orange juice, coffee, and tea. Admission is $7 donation for adults, $5 for children, and $25 for a family.
For more information call 630.896.1033.
• Saturday, Feb. 15 • 7 a.m. – 11 a.m.
East Aurora Band Boosters annual Pancake Breakfast
East Aurora High School Band Boosters will hold its annual pancake breakfast fundraiser in the East Aurora High School cafeteria, 500 Tomcat Lane. The public is invited. Parking is free. Tickets are $5 in advance or $6 at the door (enter door 15). Tickets are available from band students. Proceeds will benefit senior band scholarships and a new private-lesson scholarship program. The breakfast will feature performances by the East High Latin Jazz Band, East Aurora Jazz Ensemble, Simmons Middle School sixth grade band, and Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy bands.
• Saturday Feb. 22 • 6 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Rosary High School 19th annual Candlelight Ball
Alumnae, families, and friends can enjoy an evening of celebration while assisting Rosary in raising funds for Rosary High School. Highlights of the evening will include raffle prizes, fine dining experience, casino tables, dancing. Piper’s Banquets, 1295 East Butterfield Road.
For more information visit rosaryhs.com.
• February 25 – 26
Mardi Gras-style Fat Tuesday Dixieland Jazz Concert; Ash Wednesday
Flowing Forth United Methodist Church in Aurora will hold its fourth annual Mardi Gras-style jazz concert to open Lent, 40 days leading to Easter. The public is invited. Admission and parking are free. Flowing Forth UMC meets at Aurora Christian School, 2255 Sullivan Road. A free-will offering will be taken to support Methodist ministries. The Aurora UMC Cluster, five Aurora area Methodist churches, will co-sponsor a public Ash Wednesday service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26, at Wesley UMC, 14 N. May Street, parking is free.
For more information call 630.239.2321.
• Saturday, March 7 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
A-Z Craft Supplies Garage Sale
An “A-Z Craft Supplies Garage Sale” will be held at Wesley United Methodist Church, 14 N. May Street. The public is invited. Admission and parking are free. Sellers may rent a display table and two chairs for $15. Deadline to apply is February 21. For applications, visit wesleyumcaurora.org.
For more information, send to Vicki Martin at vickimartin2@comcast.net.
• Sunday, Feb. 16 • 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Chicago Brass Quintet
Chicago’s original brass quintet of five virtuosi, possess the technical and musical mastery needed to perform music of all periods and styles with equal aplomb. The Chicago Brass Quintet will bring style, grace, dazzling technique, and humor to every performance. Fermilab, S. Kirk Road at Pine Street.
For more information call 630.840.2787.
• Saturday, Feb. 22 • 8 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Discovering Antarctica: Heroic Tales
Tom Crean (1877-1938) the intrepid Antarctic explorer and one of Ireland’s unsung heroes will be brought to life in this dramatic and humorous solo performance by Aidan Dooley. There will be riveting true stories of Crean’s Antarctic explorations as one of the few men to serve with both Scott and Shackleton and survive three famous expeditions. Fermilab, S. Kirk Road at Pine Street.
For more information call 630.840.2787.
• Sunday, Feb. 16 • 1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Hot Chocolate Ride at Arabica Cafe
The bicycling group will start and end at Arabica Cafe, 59 Douglas Avenue. It will be a slow roll pace for the four to five miles through the core of Elgin neighborhoods with quiet street routes. Participants should bring a dollar for a special hot chocolate when the group returns to the cafe
For more information call 224.407.2124 or send to arabicacafe2771@gmail.com.
• Wednesday, March 4 • 7:30 p.m.
In My Life – A Musical theatre Tribute to the Beatles
A live musical retelling of Beatles story through the eyes of manager Brian Epstein will be performed at the Hemmens Cultural Center, 45 Symphony Way. Tickets are $35-$75 and may be purchased by calling 847.931.5900, at the Theatre Box Office or online. The show is appropriate for all ages.
For more information and to purchase tickets online visit hemmens.org.
• Thursday, Feb. 20
Free Kindermusik Demo Classes
The Village of Montgomery will continue its partnership with Paramount School of the Arts in Aurora to offer free Kindermusik demo classes. Two classes will be available beginning at 10:30 a.m. for those aged 18 months to 3 1/2 years old and at 11:30 a.m. for newborn to 17 months old. Both classes will be at Village Hall, 200 N. River Street. Parents and children will experience singing, dancing, playing instruments and hearing stories; using the power and joy of music-making to help children learn and grow socially, musically and cognitively. The free classes will be limited to approximately 15 children per age group.
For register visit MontgomeryIL.org. For more details about the Kindermusik program or about Paramount School of the Arts send an E-mail to Julie at kindermusik@paramountarts.com.
• First and third Thursdays • 7 a.m. – 8 a.m.
Rotary Club of Montgomery
The Rotary Club of Montgomery will meet on the first and third Thursday mornings. Meetings will be held at the Riverview Diner at the corner of River and Montgomery Roads. The group will meet 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. the fourth Thursday. These meetings are held at the Montgomery Village Hall, 200 North River Street, Montgomery.
For more information contact Theresa Sperling, membership chair at 630.430.2181, or theresa_sperling@yahoo.com.
• Friday, Feb. 21 • 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Kids’ Night Out: Sweet Hearts
Parents can enjoy the night out while the children enjoy a night filled with Valentine fun by writing Valentine letters and playing lots of games. Dinner and juice will be provided. Fitness members must register in person, or over the phone, to receive a discount. Fort Hill Activity Center, 20 Fort Hill Drive.
For more information and to register visit www.napervilleparks.org/calendar.
• March 6-22
Steel Magnolias
Guilty pleasure movie Steel Magnolias is based on this play of a classic story of family, strength in women, and big southern hair, is the perfect way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Steel Magnolias. Within the walls of Truvy’s beauty shop, the lives of six strong women increasingly hinge on the existence of one another. Together, they absorb the passing seasons, just like the weathered wooden structure of the salon “home” that they share. Meiley-Swallow Hall at North Central College, 31 S. Ellsworth. Tickets $25-$30.
For more information visit brightsidetheatre.com.
• Saturday, Feb. 15 • 4 p.m., 5 p.m., and 6 p.m.
35th annual Kumla and Ham Dinner
Fern Dell Historic Association will be host to its 35th Annual Kumla and Ham Dinner at the Newark Firehouse, Main and Jackson Street. Servings are at 4 p.m., 5 p.m., and 6 p.m.. Adult Tickets are $13, children under eight are $5. Carryouts will be available.
For tickets call 815.736.6190.
St. Charles
• February 22-23 • 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
59th annual Lincoln State Benefit Cat Show and Feline Event
The show will have many vendors who will offer a variety cat care accessories, art, jewelry, cat play and toy products. Super Hero Garfield will visits with kids and pose for selfies with fans. Kane County Fairgrounds, 525 S. Randall Road.
For more information call 815.299.0784, or visit lscats.org.
• Friday, Feb. 28 • 8 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Josh Turner
With a rich, deep voice, and distinctive style, Turner has sold more than 12.5 Million units, is a disciple of traditional country music, and one of the youngest members of the esteemed Grand Ole Opry. From his 2003 platinum-selling debut, Long Black Train, to his most recent 2017 Billboard No. 1 release, Deep South, Turner has garnered multiple Grammy, CMA, and ACM nominations. Arcada Theatre, 105 E. Main Street.
For more information visit arcadalive.com/event/josh-turner.
• Saturday, Feb. 29 • noon – 5 p.m.; Sunday, March 1 • 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Kane County Flea Market
Admission $5 each day, free parking, children under 12 free. Food served all day. Kane County Fairgrounds, 525 South Randall Road.
For more information visit kanecountyfleamarket.com or call 630.377.2252.
• March 7-8 • noon – 3 p.m.
Maple Sugaring Days
Participants can discover the sweet secret of how to turn tree sap into syrup and enjoy samples in the Maple Café when the Forest Preserve District of Kane County presents Maple Sugaring Days. Forest Preserve Naturalists will show how to tap a maple tree, and show the opportunity to try drilling and setting a tap. Creek Bend Nature Center will be open where visitors can enjoy the interactive exhibits available, and make a craft to take home. No registration is required for this family-friendly program. LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve at 37W700 Dean Street.
For more information call 630.444.3190, visit kaneforest.com, or on social by searching @forestpreserve.
• Monday, March 9 • 6:45 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
The Worm Moon Hike
The Worm Moon Hike will be at the LeRoy Oaks Forest Preserve, 37W700 Dean Street. These programs are for all-ages. The registration fee is $2 per person. Advance registration is required. Call 630-444-3190 or send to programs@kaneforest.com to register.
• Wednesdays March 18, April 15, and May 13 • 10:30 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Story Time with Your Child
Kids can enjoy stories, finger plays, and songs, during Story Time at Creek Bend Nature Center. St. Charles Public Library staff members will read books at the program series, for children, infants through age five, and their caregivers. After the program, all are welcome to enjoy the interactive exhibits inside Creek Bend Nature Center, or stroll the grounds at LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve. Registration is not required. Creek Bend Nature Center within LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve at 37W700 Dean Street.
For more information call 630-444-3190 or send to programs@kaneforest.com.
• February 21-23
12th annual Race and Performance Expo
The Performance Expo will be held at the Schaumburg Convention Center, 1551 Thoreau Drive N.. February 21 will be for trade-only.
For more information visit raceperformanceexpo.com.
• Friday, Feb. 28 • 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Fandomonium: Harry Potter
Potter fans can enjoy crafts and activities with other fans based on the popular books, games, and movies. Warrenville Library, 28W751 Stafford Place. For those aged eight to 12.
For more information call 630.393.1171 or visit warrenville.com.
• Thursdays • 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Trivia and Food Truck
Interested persons can join Flight Tasting Room and Bottle Shoppe for a night of food trucks and trivia each Thursday. Food trucks roll up at 5 p.m.. Trivia will begin at 7 p.m.. Flight Tasting Room and Bottle Shoppe, 508 Center Parkway.
For more information call 630.686.2337.
Would you like your upcoming activity considered for inclusion? Send the event details, name, date, time, and a paragraph description plus the event contact number and/or Web site address to me at neighborhoodactivities@comcast.net. Please send minimum two weeks prior to the event date.