• Saturday Feb. 22 • 6 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Rosary High School 19th annual Candlelight Ball
Alumnae, families, and friends can enjoy an evening of celebration while assisting Rosary in raising funds for Rosary High School. Highlights of the evening will include raffle prizes, fine dining experience, casino tables, dancing. Piper’s Banquets, 1295 East Butterfield Road.
For more information visit rosaryhs.com.
• Tuesday, Feb. 25 • 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Aurora Noon Lions Club Fundraiser
An all-you-can-eat pizza and pasta dinner fundraiser will be held by the Aurora Noon Lions Club at Luigi’s Pizza and Fun Center, 732 Prairie Street. The public is invited. Parking is free. Donations are $8 for adults, $6 for children aged four to 12 and free for children three and under. The menu includes pizza, pasta with meat sauce, or meatless sauce, garden salad, Jello with fruit, and fruit punch.
For more information, call 630-849-1401 or send to rdm302@gmail.com.
• February 25 – 26
Mardi Gras-style Fat Tuesday Dixieland Jazz Concert; Ash Wednesday
Flowing Forth United Methodist Church in Aurora will hold its fourth annual Mardi Gras-style jazz concert to open Lent, 40 days leading to Easter. The public is invited. Admission and parking are free. Flowing Forth UMC meets at Aurora Christian School, 2255 Sullivan Road. A free-will offering will be taken to support Methodist ministries. The Aurora UMC Cluster, five Aurora area Methodist churches, will co-sponsor a public Ash Wednesday service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26, at Wesley UMC, 14 N. May Street, Parking is free.
For more information call 630.239.2321.
• Saturday, March 7 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
A-Z Craft Supplies Garage Sale
An “A-Z Craft Supplies Garage Sale” will be held at Wesley United Methodist Church, 14 N. May Street. The public is invited. Admission and parking are free. Sellers may rent a display table and two chairs for $15. Deadline to apply is February 21. For applications, visit wesleyumcaurora.org.
For more information, send to Vicki Martin at vickimartin2@comcast.net.
• Saturday, Feb. 22 • 8 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Discovering Antarctica: Heroic Tales
Tom Crean (1877-1938), the intrepid Antarctic explorer and one of Ireland’s unsung heroes, will be brought to life in this dramatic and humorous solo performance by Aidan Dooley. There will be riveting, true, stories of Crean’s Antarctic explorations as one of the few men to serve with both Scott and Shackleton and survive three famous expeditions. Fermilab, S. Kirk Road at Pine Street.
For more information call 630.840.2787.
• Wednesday, March 4 • 7:30 p.m.
In My Life – A Musical Theatre Tribute to the Beatles
A live musical retelling of Beatles story through the eyes of manager Brian Epstein will be performed at the Hemmens Cultural Center, 45 Symphony Way. Tickets are $35-$75 and may be purchased by calling 847.931.5900, at the Theatre Box Office or online. The show is appropriate for all ages.
For more information and to purchase tickets online visit hemmens.org.
• First and third Thursdays • 7 a.m. – 8 a.m.
Rotary Club of Montgomery
The Rotary Club of Montgomery will meet on the first and third Thursday mornings. Meetings will be held at the Riverview Diner at the corner of River and Montgomery Roads. The group will meet 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. the fourth Thursday. These meetings are held at the Montgomery Village Hall, 200 North River Street, Montgomery.
For more information contact Theresa Sperling, membership chair at 630.430.2181, or theresa_sperling@yahoo.com.
• Friday, Feb. 21 • 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Kids’ Night Out: Sweet Hearts
Parents can enjoy the night out while the children enjoy a night filled with Valentine fun by writing Valentine letters and playing lots of games. Dinner and juice will be provided. Fitness members must register in person, or over the phone, to receive a discount. Fort Hill Activity Center, 20 Fort Hill Drive.
For more information and to register visit www.napervilleparks.org/calendar.
• March 6-22
Steel Magnolias
Guilty pleasure movie, Steel Magnolias, is based on this play of a classic story of family, strength in women, and big southern hair, is the perfect way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Steel Magnolias. Within the walls of Truvy’s beauty shop, the lives of six strong women increasingly hinge on the existence of one another. Together, they absorb the passing seasons, just like the weathered wooden structure of the salon “home” that they share. Meiley-Swallow Hall at North Central College, 31 S. Ellsworth. Tickets $25-$30.
For more information visit brightsidetheatre.com.
• Saturday, March 14
St. Patrick’s Day 5K and parade
The St. Paddy’s Day 5K will a family-friendly event for racers, runners, and walkers. The 5K will be from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and start at Mill Street and Jackson Avenue. After the 5K, from 10 a.m. to noon, the St. Patrick’s Day parade will step off at Mill Street and Jefferson Avenue.
For more information visit www.naperville.il.us.
North Aurora
• Sunday, March 1 • 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Fox Valley Writer’s Group Presents
Messenger Public Library’s own Fox Valley Writers will present original stories, poems, and memoirs from their recent publications. Messenger Public Library of North Aurora, 113 Oak Street.
For more information visit messengerpl.org, or call 630.896.0240.
• Tuesdays, Feb. 25, Mar. 10 • 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Fox Valley Writers Group
The Fox Valley Writers Group meets Tuesdays, every two weeks. This group is for adults to share positive, constructive feedback with other writers of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Check more upcoming dates on the Messenger Public Library calendar at messengerpl.org.
For more information send to foxvalleywriters@gmail.com.
• Saturday, March 21 • 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Maple Fest at Red Oak
The sweet taste of Spring can be tapped at the annual Red Oak Maple Fest. Naturalists from Red Oak will lead visitors to various stations in the woods to view demonstrations of how maple sap is harvested and turned into delicious maple syrup. Each group will tap a maple tree, then witness the process of how sap is boiled and converted into syrup. Group taste-tests will follow. Red Oak Nature Center, Route 25, one mile north of Route 56.
For more information call 630.897.1808 or visit foxvalleyparkdistrict.org.
• Sunday, March 15 • 1 p.m.
Plainfield Hometown Irish Parade
The Plainfield Hometown Irish Parade will step off at 1 p.m. from the Plainfield High School Central Campus, on W. Commercial Drive. Each year, more after-parade events and family-friendly activities are added to the lineup. The parade has become one of Plainfield’s most cherished yearly traditions.
For more information visit plainfieldirishparade.org.
St. Charles
• Saturday, Feb. 22 • 7 a.m.
Road Trip to Lake Michigan
A caravan to Lake Michigan to look for mergansers, Bufflehead, Goldeneye, and other Winter waterfowl will depart at 7 a.m. from Hickory Knolls Discovery Center.
For more information contact: Tim Balassie at 630-513-7345.
• February 22-23 • 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
59th annual Lincoln State Benefit Cat Show and Feline Event
The show will have many vendors who will offer a variety cat care accessories, art, jewelry, cat play and toy products. Super Hero Garfield will visits with kids and pose for selfies with fans. Kane County Fairgrounds, 525 S. Randall Road.
For more information call 815.299.0784, or visit lscats.org.
• Friday, Feb. 28 • 8 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Josh Turner
With a rich, deep voice, and distinctive style, Turner has sold more than 12.5 Million units, is a disciple of traditional country music, and one of the youngest members of the esteemed Grand Ole Opry. From his 2003 platinum-selling debut, Long Black Train, to his most recent 2017 Billboard No. 1 release, Deep South, Turner has garnered multiple Grammy, CMA, and ACM nominations. Arcada Theatre, 105 E. Main Street.
For more information visit arcadalive.com/event/josh-turner.
• Saturday, Feb. 29 • noon – 5 p.m.; Sunday, March 1 • 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Kane County Flea Market
Admission $5 each day, free parking, children under 12 free. Food served all day. Kane County Fairgrounds, 525 South Randall Road.
For more information visit kanecountyfleamarket.com or call 630.377.2252.
• Saturday, Feb. 29 • 6 a.m.
Road trip to Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge, Havana, Ill.
At the confluence of the Illinois and Spoon Rivers, Emiquon provides excellent habitat for waterfowl and other species. Snow Geese may be there in large numbers. Meet at 6 a.m. at Hickory Knolls Discovery Center and the group will carpool from there. The drive is about three hours.
For more information contact: Jon Duerr at 630-584-5891.
• March 7-8 • noon – 3 p.m.
Maple Sugaring Days
Participants can discover the sweet secret of how to turn tree sap into syrup and enjoy samples in the Maple Café when the Forest Preserve District of Kane County presents Maple Sugaring Days. Forest Preserve Naturalists will show how to tap a maple tree, and show the opportunity to try drilling and setting a tap. Creek Bend Nature Center will be open where visitors can enjoy the interactive exhibits available, and make a craft to take home. No registration is required for this family-friendly program. LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve at 37W700 Dean Street.
For more information call 630.444.3190, visit kaneforest.com, or on social by searching @forestpreserve.
• Monday, March 9 • 6:45 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
The Worm Moon Hike
The Worm Moon Hike will be at the LeRoy Oaks Forest Preserve, 37W700 Dean Street. These programs are for all-ages. The registration fee is $2 per person. Advance registration is required. Call 630-444-3190, or send to programs@kaneforest.com to register.
• Saturday, March 14 • 2 p.m.
St. Patrick’s Parade
The St. Patrick’s Parade will step off at 2 p.m. from Main Street/Route 64 and 6th Street. The route will continue down Main Street and conclude at 4th Avenue. Features include Irish dancers, Celtic pipe bands, and dazzling floats.
For more information visit www.downtownstcharles.org/dscp_events/st-patricks-parade.
• March 20-22
IVT Presents ’Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ is a famous fairy tale play based on the story written by The Brothers Grimm and adapted by Jessie Braham White. It is not the Disney version, or a musical Performances are Friday, March 20 and Saturday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, March 22 at 2 p.m. at the historic Sandwich Opera House, 140 E. Railroad Street.
For more information send to info@indianvalleytheatre.com or call 815-786-4878. Tickets available online at indianvalleytheatre.com.
• February 21-23
12th annual Race and Performance Expo
The Performance Expo will be held at the Schaumburg Convention Center, 1551 Thoreau Drive N.. February 21 will be for trade-only.
For more information visit raceperformanceexpo.com.
• Friday, Feb. 28 • 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Fandomonium: Harry Potter
Potter fans can enjoy crafts and activities with other fans based on the popular books, games, and movies. Warrenville Library, 28W751 Stafford Place. For those aged eight to 12.
For more information call 630.393.1171 or visit warrenville.com.
• Sunday, March 1 • 4 p.m.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Living history actor and scholar Leslie Goddard, Ph. D., will explore the life of Eleanor Roosevelt, American first lady, statesman and humanitarian. Ideal for families and children aged 10 and up. Free program, but advance registration is required. Cantigny, McCormick House Freedom Hall, 1S151 South Winfield Road.
For reservations call 630.260.8162 or visit Cantigny.org. Parking is $5.
• Thursday, March 5 • 7 p.m.
The Hello Girls: America’s First Women Soldiers
The First Division Museum at Cantigny Park will present Elizabeth Cobbs, author of “The Hello Girls: America’s First Women Soldiers.” Her book tells the fascinating story of American women who served in World War I as telephone switchboard operators in France, deployed by the U.S. Army Signal Corps in 1918. Program and parking are free. Cantigny, Visitors Center, 1S151 South Winfield Road.
For more information visit fdmuseum.org.
• Sunday, March 1 • 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
The Polar Plunge
The Polar Plunge, presented by Law Enforcement Torch Run and GEICO, is a unique opportunity to support Special Olympics athletes by taking a leap into frigid waters of Loon Lake at Silver Springs State Park, 13608 Fox Road. Participants must raise $100 in donations in exchange for jumping into the icy waters.
For additional information visit www.plungeillinois.com.
• Saturday, March 14
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
The annual Yorkville St. Patrick’s Day Festival all-day festival will start with a 5K run at 9 a.m., a parade to start at Riverfront Park, 131 E. Hydraulic Avenue at 11 a.m., kids activities and more than a dozen musical acts throughout the day at various downtown Yorkville establishments. 129 E. Hydraulic Street.
For more information call 630.385.2477.