New Diabetes Club growth great

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By Russ George

I’m just amazed! In a period of just eight weeks, what we have been able to accomplish!

October 13, we began this new journey together, wanting to build a new Diabetes Club, a club that’ll bring about an awareness of diabetes, provide aid and education to diabetics, while investing in research to find a cure!

We wanted our new club to represent the entire Fox Valley area. To be a true grassroots organization, where all money raised through dues, donations, and fundraising, would be used locally for the Club’s diabetic causes.

We began with 15 dedicated individuals, no club name or funds. Today, we are the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, with 36 members, an established bank account, growing daily, along with a very worthwhile project helping the seven year old twins, Jackson and Elliot Webster, Type 1 diabetics, to obtain two Diabetic Alert Dogs (DADs).

We’ve only just begun!….Our dream is coming true and it couldn’t have happened without all of the members working together, the donations received from individuals and organizations, including “The Voice” for keeping our name in front of their readers….Thank you!

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is accepting donations to help the Webster Twins obtain their Diabetic Alert Dogs (DADs). Mail your contribution to DCFV, P.O. Box 88, North Aurora, Illinois 60542.

If you have questions or would like to join with us, contact Russ George, E-mail: or phone: 630-205-9065

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