North Aurora Lions generous

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The North Aurora Lions Club generously has donated $500 to the Messenger Public Library of North Aurora for the purchase of reading materials for the visually impaired. The intent is to enhance the Library’s existing collection and provide new resources for residents. The Library has earmarked the donation for audiobooks and books in Braille.

The Lions Club of North Aurora is made up of residents and is part of Lions International, one of the world’s largest service organizations. Its primary focus is to prevent blindness through eye research and help the visually impaired. The Lions Club has a collection box in the Library for used eye glasses and hearing aids. The Club meets at the Messenger Library on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m., and new members are always welcome. The North Aurora Lions Club website is at

For further information on monetary donations to the Messenger Public Library please contact the Library Director Kevin Davis at or via phone at 630-896-0240. Visit the Library at

—Messenger Public Library, N. Aurora

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