On help for health; Reich Brothers has plans at Cat. site

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In many cases those who are active in the assault on and solution to the invisible COVID-19 have rolled up their sleeves and continue the battle. The next few weeks will not be easy, however, those critical health-care workers involved in seeking to render healthful solutions find an intrepid method in their work habits.

On the one hand our society is dependent on the expertise of the health workers. At the same time we must show our support. Gratitude is one aspect. Ensuring good health protection equipment is another method of support. Those who can do something about providing health-care workers’ equipment such as masks, gowns, and equipment must take their roles seriously with less politics involved.

Volunteers, from youngsters to retirees, have taken it upon themselves to create masks for health-care workers. The example of giving has allowed a sense of we are all in this situation together.

• Meanwhile, life goes on the best way possible. Reich Brothers is the home of the former Caterpillar, Inc. Plant in unincorporated Montgomery which opened in 1958. Caterpillar announced one year ago it would close down the Aurora Plant and send jobs mainly to Little Rock, Ark. and to plants in central Illinois. The sale to Reich Brothers was final last week for a reported $68.5 Million. Reich Brothers named the 350-acre plant Grid on Route 31 with the promise it would create an industrial park for other businesses. At the same time there will remain at the facility approximately 500 Caterpillar employees as a part of the industrial park. At its peak in the late 1970s, Caterpillar employed approximately 5,500 on site. The site includes a helipad and Reich Brothers promotes that the heavy utility infrastructure is within 25% of the U.S. in a one-day delivery. There are 10 buildings on the site.

The Caterpillar, Inc. Aurora plant in Montgomery, in this August 2018 photo, recently was sold to Reich Brothers. Jason Crane/The Voice

The Peoria-based Caterpillar has laid off 31,000 employees Nation-wide since 2012. Caterpillar three years ago open a site in Chicago suburban Deerfield for 300 executives near O’Hare Airport in northwest Chicago. Many aspects in life navigate in cycles.

• Not surprising among the announcements of cancellations, Oswego will not hold its annual Wine on the Fox the weekend of May 2-3.

• More health information: Until recently, the assessments of deaths by both COVID-19 and the influenza virus clearly shows that COVID-19 is more dangerous, largely because a vaccine has not been develped and may not be developed this year. Scientists are working hard to find prevention. Estimates for death because of influenza is 0.1% nationally and last available COVID-19 deaths were 3.4%.

Clear and concise, week 14:

• Under way: Two words and not a contraction.

• Who should be used in reference to a person.

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