• Have you ever had the experience of talking to, or trying to talk to, a salesperson on the telephone, dear reader? Sure, you have. We all have at one time or another and, more likely, more than once. Too many of these persons do not speak the Queen’s English, or anybody’s English, for that matter; they mumble, whisper, or rattle away at high speed and do not let you get a word in edgewise until they are through reading their scripts, or run out of breath, whichever comes first.
Methinks the employers of such persons should invest in diction classes for their employees.
• Speaking of speaking, have you noticed that some individuals talk in a loud voice on their cell phones in a public venue? Either they don’t trust their devices to transmit their messages efficiently, or they believe that no one around them can hear their conversations. In either case, why bother with a cell phone at all? Just bellow away similar to thunder on the horizon.
• Further speaking of speaking, now comes one Gerald Lubshina, a retired school teacher of history (!) who spends his waking hours putting words in other people’s mouths. The Chas prides himself on having an extensive vocabulary; he does not need anybody’s assistance in putting two words together in order to get his message across.
In my previous essay, I never used the expression “full of fluff.” Mr. Lubshina pulled that one out of his magic hat. Nor do I use “pretzel-like” language but rather plain English. Mr. Lubshina’s level of comprehension clearly had failed him when he read my essay.
Curiously, Mr. Lubshina goes on to quote the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution – “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people;” when defending the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning Roe vs. Wade. The debate was never about powers, but rather about rights. Mr. Lubshina and the justices seem to have skipped over the Nineth Amendment to the Constitution: “The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
The right to have an abortion was clearly one of those unenumerated rights which had been repeatedly upheld by previous High Court rulings. The Trump Trio followed their ideology instead of the Constitution and stole that right from the people.
What’s next on their agenda? Hint: some of the justices have turned their eyes toward the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
*Oh, one more thing (as Columbo used to say):
Conservative pundits and political cartoonists are having a field day blaming president Joe Biden for high gasoline prices. They point to his shutting down pipelines, refineries, and drilling on Federal lands, but ignore his selling drilling leases on non-Federal lands and coastal waters. The facts of the matter are that (1) Big Oil used the pandemic as an excuse to hike up the price of gasoline and (2) not all oil is converted into gasoline, but the lion’s share is sold to the petrochemical industry (i.e. plastics) and to foreign markets where the big money is. (American motorists can go suck a lemon.)
Just a thought.
Now The Chas will go sit in the corner for saying naughty things and eat some stale pretzels.