On the fake assassination, Agent Orange

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•The consequences of the attempted assassination of T. Rump is clear to this writer. He (Rump) is destined to become the next president of the Untied (sic) States of America, which he has sought for the past four years. Forget about the lies he has told, the crimes he has committed for which he has been indicted/found guilty, the threats against his political enemies he has made, the women he has sexually assaulted, the creditors and employees he has stiffed, the desire of dictatorship he has dreamed of, and the upending of democracy (as we have understood it) he has promised. He now has the sympathy vote. He has Divine Protection. USA! USA! USA! Make America Great Again!

Please excuse me, dear reader, while I throw up.


Um, where was I?

Oh, yes. The Chas has a theory about the assassination attempt against T. Rump. It is the same theory he has harbored concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. Persons/entities unknown recruit a gullible person to shoot at the president and act as the “fall-guy” in case anything goes wrong. The fall-guy is to be neutralized in any event in order to prevent his spilling the beans about the plot. The only difference between the two events was that the attempt on T. Rump was faked; he was not to be assassinated so that he could claim to be a target for the Biden administration and thus secure his election.

Unfortunately, Thomas Crooks (what an ideal name that is!) had a reputation for being unable to hit the broadside of a barn, even if he was inside the barn. He had been constantly bullied about his ineptitude. He wildly fired eight shots and nicked T. Rump’s ear, killed an innocent member of the rally, and severely wounded two others.

This narrative is how The Chas sees it. We’ll never know for sure, however, because those in the know are quiet or dead. What is certain, though, is that T. Rump’s base is more fired up than before and ready to do whatever is “necessary” to get Agent Orange into the White House.

•Meanwhile, president Joe Biden wisely decided to end his re-election bid. He recognized that he was becoming an embarrassment to his Party, his friends and family, and his country. He then passed the torch to his vice president, Kamala Harris, another wise decision, who had a better chance of defeating the Orange One. And, if the Democratic National Committee were as wise, it would back her 110%.

•T. Rump is an embarrassment to the country, and to the entire world, because he is incapable of acting wisely on anything. He is a narcissist, a pathological liar, and a sociopath and proves it every time he opens his mouth. He has his own speech problems, a faulty memory, and a tendency to ramble into non-sequiturs by the bushelful.

•In 1951, the Twenty-Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. It imposed term limits on the presidents of America, usually no more than two four-year terms. The amendment had been introduced by a Republican Congress, which was royally irked by president Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s re-election to a fourth term. The GOP did not want a “President-for-Life” (PFL) in the White House.

If T. Rump is elected, he may endeavor to nullify the Twenty-Second Amendment, perhaps by establishing martial law and suspending the Constitution, and pave the way for a PFD of his own. You’ll recall, dear reader, that he will have immunity for all of his “official” acts and that he is not known for playing by the rules when they don’t suit him.

•There is one other concern along these lines, and that is the age of a president. It was the downfall of Joe Biden and ought to be the downfall of T. Rump. Societies change with each passing generation; new faces appear and new ideas are promoted. This progression is what makes history History, forward movement rather than stasis. It cannot and should not be stopped.

The Founding Fathers never envisioned politics as a “career.” They viewed office-holders as short-term public servants after which they retired to private life. The Twenty-Second Amendment did it for the Executive Branch. The Legislative and Judicial Branches need to be similarly treated.

Just a thought.

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