Did you hear Donald Trump is writing a book? (I like to start out with something funny just like Joel Osteen.) Trump said it, so it’s probably not true. If it is, his biggest hurdle is that he’ll actually have to read a book to find out what goes into one.
To make his daddy proud, trophy-hunter Don “45” Jr. killed a grizzly bear. Trophy hunting is disgusting enough, but junior had his guide illegally bait the bear so he could just walk up and shoot it. What a courageous big-game hunter. Junior.’s guide is facing felony charges for his act. Do the Trumps ever get involved in anything positive?
Speaking of those wacky Trumps, Russia has permanently banned 900 prominent Americans from their country. Curiously, Donald was not on the list. Hmmm.
Heard about the delusional Replacement Theory? It states that Democrats and Jews are bringing people of different ethnicity into the country to replace native-born white Americans and steal our jobs, among other things. Lauren Bobert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and other right wing nut jobs are big on this accusation, but they never mention which jobs the immigrants are stealing. I seem to remember a few years back (I say “seem to” because I don’t feed my brain memory supplements; I don’t want it eating better than I am), a farmer offered a decent salary with major benefits to anyone who would work his fields. He was swamped with job-seekers the first day. The second day, no white people returned. Apparently, the only jobs these immigrants are stealing are the ones gringos wouldn’t do, anyway.
Gas prices are making electric and hybrid autos look good. Pretty soon it will be cheaper to fill your tank with baby formula.
Once again (I’m sighing now), I feel compelled to use up educational (?) column space to pour sunlight on the shade Mr. Bill “Bela” Suhayda cast on me in the May 12 edition of The Voice. He popped up from wherever it is he occasionally pops up from to claim that I am hateful, rude, factually inept, undignified, and not nice. His evidence is that in the April 14 issue I used the word “stupid” 26 times. He’s correct. I could have squeezed in at least a dozen more stupids if not for the constraints of print space and a deadline.
It should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that where I applied the word “stupid” to anything, it was precisely the adjective modifier that fit. I could have substituted dense, simpleminded, dim, doltish, dopey, mindless, moronic, half-witted, idiotic, meadow muffin-brained, imbecilic, in place of all the stupids, but I didn’t want to detract from the points I endeavored to make. Note: Novelist Alan Furst picked one modifier he liked (it wasn’t “stupid”) and used it repeatedly throughout his entire book. So if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I can say with tremendous humility that I post on Facebook and my posts (notice the smug look on my face) have never been deleted, as have those of Mr. Bill have been deleted. If any of you have opinions on Mr. Suhayda’s writing, please pen a note, add your name, and send it to The Voice. If you have opinions on what I write, please pen a note, add your name, and use it to light the charcoal in your barbecue.
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