Oswego Center events: Tax volunteers needed, woodshop

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The Oswego Senior Center, 156 E. Washington Street, Oswego, will be host to many events for seniors. All events will take place at the Oswego Senior Center, unless otherwise noted.

• Community Tax Volunteers are Needed!

Oswego Senior Center is looking for volunteers to provide free tax assistance through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs. VITA and TCE volunteers serve in a variety of roles: File federal tax return electronically, greet taxpayers, help organize paper work, help manage site, and handle quality control.

Last year the Oswego Senior Center VITA team served 214 taxpayers for free! Those serving VITA and TCE provide an important service to our community. All volunteers preparing returns are IRS-certified to complete tax returns for those with low to moderate incomes, senior citizens, disabled individuals, and for individuals whom English is a second language. There is a volunteer role for anyone who is interested! Free training is available online with classroom-style instruction. Let us know if you are interested, and our OSC VITA team will provide details. Call 630-554-5602 for more information.

• OAK/Oswego Area Karvers:

The OAK meets every Monday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Oswego Senior Center, 156 E. Washington Street.

Experienced and novice carvers are welcome, as well as interested beginners. Call the Oswego Senior Center at 630-554-5602 for more information.

• Woodwork Shop:

Oswego Senior Center operates a do-it-yourself woodwork workshop which offers seniors age 60+ access to a variety of woodworking tools and equipment. Whether you’re new to woodworking, don’t have the space or equipment at home, or would like to create or finish a home project, our patient and talented volunteer coordinator, Dan McCluskey, and fellow wood shoppers can help you. The woodshop is generally open every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., but if woodshop users would arrive after 1 p.m. please call ahead to make sure a woodshop volunteer will be available. For more information, please call 630-554-5602.

• Oswego Senior Center holiday closings.

The Oswego Senior Center will be closed December 24, 25, 31, and January 1, 2020 in observance of the holidays.

• Oswego Senior Center congregate meal program:

The Oswego Senior Center offers congregate lunch to seniors (age 60 plus) Monday and Thursday each week at noon. Reservations are required by 10 a.m., the business day prior to lunch. Suggested $5 donation. Please call for reservations: 630-554-5602.

Monday, Dec. 23: Christmas dinner, holiday stuffed pork loin, mashed potatoes, gravy steamed broccoli, tropical bowtie caesar salad with mandarin oranges and strawberries, and Christmas cookies

Thursday, Dec. 26: Chicken and vegetable stir fry with bean sprouts, red peppers and baby corn, rice, fresh fruit salad, and cranberry bars

— Oswego Senior Center

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