Oswego street closures ready to clog traffic for construction

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A recent discussion with an interested individual revealed that the person was unaware that The Voice does not print all the news that fits. It is a continuing process of squeezing, trimming, and consolidating to present information. Then many good items must be left out. It is reality.

Here are some important items which did not find homes elsewhere in print this week:

• In Oswego, construction and street closures were set to begin Thursday, Oct. 17 in downtown Oswego for the benefit of The Reserve at Hudson Crossing, the $69 Million six-story two-building development for luxury apartments adjacent to Route 34 and Hudson Crossing Park (Routes 31 and 34). The following streets will be closed: Adams Street, from the Waubonsie Creek bridge to Washington Street; Jackson Street, from Adams Street to Harrison Street; and Harrison Street, from Jackson Street to Washington Street.

• There remains rumor, discussion, disgust, angst and apathy, among some Oswego residents regarding the plans, the changes, and even the projected completion of the luxury buildings.

• The site is not far from Veterans Serenity Park on Adams Street, which is near completion, and there will be a dedication ceremony, Sunday, Nov. 10.

• Oswego is building up. Aurora is tearing down a solid building which was ravaged by fire. The former Masonic Temple building will come down within 50 days. See thevoice.us/masonic-temple-building-demolition-begins and thevoice.us/aurora-fire-department-comments-on-masonic-temple-fire-in-aurora

• Cantigny Park in Wheaton will hold its annual photo contest of the Park or Cantigny Golf in Wheaton, the 500-acre former estate of Robert R. McCormick. Photos taken this year or earlier are eligible. The submission deadline is Monday, Nov. 18.

• State representative Stephanie Kifowit, 84th District, will present her Quarterly Lunch & Learn Event, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22 at the Oswego Public Library, Montgomery Campus, 1111 reading Drive in Montgomery.

• State representative Barbara Hernandez, 83rd District, will hold a free community resource fair from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Prisco Community Center, 150 W. Illinois Avenue in Aurora.

• The Venue in Aurora, the 200-seat music performance space on Broadway which opened earlier this year, will offer several top-of-the-line national and music shows this Fall for a ticket range of $12. to $30., reasonable prices for quality performances.

• West Aurora High School formed a partnership with an international education consulting group, Challenging Learning. More information in future weeks. It is a step in the correct direction.

•The following is high school sports, however, important because Aurora athletic directors are involved, a way of conducting football playoffs will change, the only question is how?

There is another proposal for football playoffs which would derail the impending district design by the Illinois High School Association (IHSA).

West Aurora High School athletic director Jason Buckley is involved with more than 30 high schools, to include Fil Torres, athletic director at East Aurora, and will submit a proposal to the IHSA Legislative Commission in early November.

“The proposal is drastically different from the district plan,” Buckley said in response to a request from The Voice for information.

“Under our proposal, the playoffs will expand from 256 teams (in eight classes) to 384 teams. The top 16 teams in each class would have a bye the first week of the playoffs which is week nine. Therefore, all teams will play a minimum of nine games, eight in the regular season. A non-playoff qualifier will play a ninth game against another non-qualifier.”

IHSA town hall meetings would follow the IHSA Legislative Commission, “and finally (hopefully), on the ballot to be voted on by member schools in early December,” Buckley said. “I am cautiously optimistic. I feel that it is the most thorough and comprehensive plan that has been put forth in many years.”

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