Oswego talent competition to start September 18

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Oswego’s got tons of talent, and we’re ready to prove it, too.

This Fall, the Village of Oswego will be host to Oswego’s Got Talent, a two-round competition for performing artists of all kinds, at Venue 1012, Oswego’s new amphitheater and park.

The first-round competition will be held the afternoon of Saturday, Sept. 18. To apply for a spot on stage in the first round, performers must complete an online application and submit a video of their talent by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12. Judges will select up to three competitors in each category and division from the video entries to perform on stage in Round 1.

Competitors will go on to compete in a final round, with a new act, Sunday, Oct. 17, for a chance at the top prize in each division — $250 and a performance slot in front of thousands of patrons at next Spring’s Wine on the Fox.

“I am so excited to see Oswego’s talented performers take the stage,” Oswego Village president Troy Parlier said. “I know there’s a ton of talent in this community, and I can’t wait to see you all shine.”

Talented performers will compete in youth and adult divisions, in either dance, music, or other categories, and entries can be either individuals or group acts. Entry is open to both Oswego and non-Oswego residents, and performers must be amateurs.

Entries will be judged based on preparedness, originality, stage presence and talent. Full guidelines and rules, plus the application and instructions on how to upload your audition video, are available at www.oswegoil.org/OGT.

For more information contact community engagement coordinator Julie Hoffman at jhoffman@oswegoil.org.

—Village of Oswego

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