Oswego Woman’s Club meeting March 28

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Oswegoland Woman’s Civic Club will meet Wednesday, March 28, at 6:30 p.m. at Oswego Fire Station #1, 3511 Wooley Road, Oswego, not far from Traughber Junior High School. Enter through the main entrance and go to the right to the large conference room. Co-hostesses will be Mary Jo Hartley and Barb Gravel.
We will celebrate our 90th year of community service to Oswegoland April 25. We are looking forward to sharing memories with our former and new members. If you were a member or know someone who is, please spread the word and call Judy Smith, 630-554-8097, to ensure your dinner reservation and to join in the festivities.
Italian, Mexican, Mother’s Day, and other themed baskets will be in the works for raffle at Wine on the Fox Saturday, May 5. We look forward to seeing you there. Proceeds from this event help to cover monetary “Campership Awards” to those eighth grade students who are interested in developing or advancing their skills in academics or arts over the Summer. Last month we heard from Eiken Nguyen, who attended the College of DuPage Summer class, “Digital Arts and Animation”. This afforded him the opportunity to win a $5,000 scholarship for his education. We are proud of you, Eiken, and are so happy that we could be a part of your success.
We are proud of member Rebecca Christiansen of Celebrate Differences whose daughter, Isabelle, nominated her for the American Red Cross (Illinois Region) Nurse Hero Award. Somehow between her work at A Pinch of Happiness Spice Shop that helps train participants of Celebrate Differences, her nursing at Rush-Copley, being a wife and mother, and everything else she does, she had a moment to win this prestigious national recognition award. Congratulations, Rebecca!
Food items will be collected for Hands of Hope treat bags are to be delivered to patients at the Dreyer Cancer Center by Carole Houck and thanks to her Celebrate Differences MORE group helpers who packaged the treats. A raffle will be held which will help the Kendall County Community Food Pantry.
We welcome anyone interested in joining the Club or just learning more about us to attend our March 28 meeting. For more information, please call president Kathy Guseman at 630-554-5848 or vice president Judy Siedlecki at 630-551-1852, or visit www.OswegolandWomansCivicClub.org.
—Oswegoland Woman’s  Civic Club

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