Politics is on the minds of many observers for many reasons in recent days. A reflection of society indicates part of the strength of our country is two major political parties. At the same time, part of the weakness of the U.S. is two major political parties. Would it be better if party affiliation could be diminished, in political situations similar to smaller cities such as Aurora and Elgin than nationwide politics? When those far-sighted, informed, founding fathers worked on the U.S. Constitution and signed the final draft of the U.S. Constitution September 17, 1787, they knew that like-minded individuals would form loose bands for strength and consultation, however, there was no thought that party affiliations would be more important to many elected representatives than the good of the country. Many independent-minded individuals work with extra diligence to solve problems and put country above party. It is difficult. Allegiances can pull vigorously at well-meaning individuals. If allowed to fester, it can be the political albatross around our democracy. At the same time, those who offer vengeance against political representatives because of a difference of opinion, and do not allow reasonable opinions, we formulate divisiveness which never ends well. One person’s truth is another person’s anathema. We may need a strong third party. Facts do matter. Cooperation does matter. Respect does matter. We must move on in our way of thinking and see the bigger picture. It will be helpful to civilized society. A more calm demeanor, greater understanding, await our resolve.
Clear and Concise, Week 7 Year 2:
Words matter! Ask and reveal (as in the big reveal) really are verbs which have been co-opted by far too many creative, incorrect, word tormentors, to use as emphatic nouns. It may not matter to them. It is a similar mistake to use partner as a verb when it is a noun. Words matter!