Perception often is as important as the facts. An example is the headline at the top of page 1 this week, “State budget surpluses: Billions of dollars”. Residents of Illinois have heard for many years reports of failure, shortfall, debits, and problems with State government finances. The startling situation and headline offers more than a ray of hope and encouragement that Illinois will not be listed in the bottom three states among the Nation’s states in financial insolvency.
Nonetheless, the State must continue its uphill climb and encouraging financial future situation. There are financial problems still unsolved and positive news offers the cure, however, continually.
• The function of newspapers, print, online, what ever else it does, is to provide communication within the community, a sense of informing, and stimulating thought. Discussion is essential for readers and within their circle. For those who are convinced of what they think, know, and understand, can be and should challenged, if nothing other for them to confirm their thoughts. The true path, political beliefs and non-political orientation never should be taken for granted. Reacting to content in The Voice is interesting and often those who respond can see items in a directly opposite way. The response at times may appear unmovable. Political beliefs can be tested and should be tested. If no other objection here, in our politics and political beliefs, is that there are only two camps, two sets of thoughts, that it is either one, or it is the other set of thoughts. We must be respectful of all persons to hold convictions and beliefs. We do not have to agree with any of them, however, we must be respectful. Changes can occur to slightly alter our perceptions. Those in the political realm, all sides, are guilty of shading stories, sides, and the truth.
How would a naive, honest, neophyte, survive in today’s calculating, slick, world of professional politicians, many of whom are the realm for 30 or 40 years? The neophyte, with hopes, can continue and stay honest.