I’m proud to be American, and say so, long and loud;
But what I saw and felt the other day was extra proud.
A young and vibrant person had been taken from our midst;
This was her viewing, our goodbye, tradition we enlist.
What happens lies beyond the scope of any normal call;
The outpouring of people cannot be described at all,
At least to give it credit—almost impossible to gauge.
But what was sunning was the people’s patience, every stage.
For they had come to pay their last respects, and that they would.
To all, it seemed that time meant nothing, so in that line they stood.
And this had been a working day, the dinner hour as well;
That did not matter, still they stood, well past when darkness fell.
So Lorrie Luckinbill Hamblen, you never knew your worth—
In part, this tribute was in solemn gesture to your birth.
But here we had America afoot, and at its best;
From all, they say to you, God speed, and have a peaceful rest!
© Richard Williams