Polar Plunge in Yorkville March 1

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The Polar Plunge, presented by Law Enforcement Torch Run and GEICO, is a unique opportunity to support Special Olympics athletes by taking a flying leap into the frigid waters from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, March 1 at Loon Lake, 13608 Fox Road in Yorkville. Participants must raise $100 in donations from friends, family, and co-workers in exchange for jumping into the icy waters.

Plungers will receive incentive prizes based on the amount of money they raise. By raising the minimum of $100, plungers will receive an official Plunge hooded sweatshirt. Other prizes are awarded at the $250, $500, and $1,000 levels.

For additional information visit our main plunge site at www.plungeillinois.com.

—Special Olympics Illinois

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