Political perspective: From old Lincoln to new T. Rump

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• The Republican Party is in a state of civil war. Or, I should say, in a state of uncivil war.

On the one hand, there are the moderate Republicans, espousing conservative policies like small government, lower taxes, and traditional family values. They are a species rapidly becoming extinct. (Where is Barry Goldwater when we need him?)

On the other hand, there are the MAGA, T. Rump-loving Republicans who are anything but conservative. They engage in conspiracy theories, wild accusations, and false narratives ad infinitum, and they are not above savaging each other should the occasion arise. They want to return to those halcyon days of the 18th Century when (white) men were men, when women knew their places, when Negroes performed all of the menial tasks, and when a good “Injun” was a dead “Injun.” This species has crawled out from under a rock, and it is rapidly infesting the country.

The old GOP was the party of Lincoln. The new GOP is the party of T. Rump. The old gets dissed every time members try to say something reasonable. The new say whatever comes to mind, whether or not it is true, and, most of the time, it’s sheer fantasy. The Chas shouldn’t be a bit surprised to learn that the new believe that the Earth is flat, that the Sun and the planets revolve around the Earth, and that the stars are the “souls” of deceased persons placed there by “God” for the remembrance of the living.

• Speaking of false beliefs, The Chas wishes to inform the readership that he is not “anti-science,” as some have inferred. He is, and always has been, as “pro-science” as it is possible to get. He does know, however, the difference between “good” science and ‘bad” science. For example, inventing a device to keep one’s home cool in the Summer and warm in the Winter is good science, while experimenting with viruses in order to learn how lethal they can become is very bad science. The Chas embraces the former and shuns the latter.

• Got balloons, dear reader? If you do, you are advised not to fly them near a populated area. Otherwise, you risk being visited by a distinctly unfriendly jet fighter – courtesy of your tax-funded U.S. Air Force – which will fire as many missiles as it takes to “neutralize” that offending balloon. Oh, also notify your friends from another world that they should hold off visiting for a while, because “UFO’s” are now fair game for our trigger-happy boys in blue. Just saying.

• Is Joe Biden too old to be President, because his policies are inconsistent? If he is, there are a lot of members of Congress who are too old to be our representatives and senators. Term limits, anyone? But, don’t hold your breath waiting for them to resign their lucrative offices. What’s sauce for the goose is not necessarily sauce for the gander, don’t you know?

President Joe’s problem is not his age. The Chas is older than he is, and he has an agenda of his own which derives from clear-thinking. But, I digress. Biden’s problem is that he has spent his entire political “career” fashioning one compromise after another and now is confronted by politicians who absolutely will not compromise for love or money. He needs to change his approach by using his office as a bully pulpit and letting the chips fall where they may.

Just a thought.

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