Politics important, even if hateful

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By Ricky Rieckert

Ricky Rieckert

This week, I’m going to write on another meaningful thing that has been tearing me up.

Politics, and the way fellow writers, both write for The Voice.

Wayne “Wayne’s World” Johnson, Bela “Bill” “Wild Bill“ Suhayda, prince Charles Coddington, and now, Ricky “Tricky Rick” Rieckert.

I hope all of you read all of these guys’ articles.

They’re all good guys, all of them with different perspectives on life, and that’s fine with me.

My argument and analysis in my article this week, is politics, something, I don’t talk about much, mainly, because I hate it.

Don’t worry, you guys I’m not stealing your thunder.

Let’s start out with Wayne.

He writes a lot about Donald Trump, Democrats.

Bill seems to write about issues in the past in other countries.

What happen in Holocaust, killing all those Jews, was immoral and mortal.

Concentration camps were similar to pig pens, only the pigs were treated better.

I’m half German and proud I had an ancestor involved.

In the middle 1800s my great-grandfather sent his only two sons to America, for freedom. There were many senseless wars at the time.

Great-grandpa knew he’d never see his sons, ever again.

But, their freedom and happiness meant more to him for their benefit..

Excuse me, I’m tearing up.

Then came the Nazis and World War II, not long after World War I.

Then the Korean conflict, then Vietnam.

For the record, Rieckert is English and French .My mom’s last name was Stumpenhorst, German.

Moving on to business, we have several problems in our country.

Poverty, people who don’t want to work, abortion, killing live unborn fetuses, which are human life, euthanasia, kids being taught about condoms at age 15, in public schools.

Guess that means sex is okay.

A better one is the new bathroom set-up at restaurants,.

Men, women, and “G” I don’t know.

If, as a young boy, I told my dad, that I thought I was a girl, I’d still be stuck in a wall, with one foot dangling.

The last topic, Carter Crane wrote in his column last week, a very serious topic:

How politicians, Congress, and lawmakers are trying to get rid of the amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Our forefathers wrote these many years ago, and the Declaration of Independence was written in 1776.

Man, those were some intelligent men, whereas if you follow them, they work for every American, still today.

Before long we may have to overturn our government and start new. Think about it.

I left my colleagues in The Voice some ideas to write about in a more sincere acknowledgment of what’s happening now!

Have a good week.

I’ll be back to the history of Aurora, next week.

Keep reading.

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