Politics should not be vicious for victory

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Undeniably we are in the National political season and we will be, through the National elections Tuesday, Nov. 5, like it or not. The process is what the country goes through every four years and either keeps our interest, or, regrettably may divide the Country and especially some families. The two major parties, Republican and Democratic, have chosen their candidates to run for president. There will be smaller parties with candidates for president just to keep it interesting. Somehow we survive the process which may require extra measures of healing by many individuals. It is unfortunate. We somehow survive and move on. Unfortunately, some segments of society never will want to interact because of the harshness and the divisions.

Some of the fault lies with the candidates because of the harshness of their rhetoric, name-calling, and unrelenting attacks perceived by some candidates as the best way to defeat candidates. Can we find ways to have peaceful encounters? For candidates to state their cases without attacks and engage in civil discourse? Some candidates occasionally try that method, however, often some of their supporters will vilify the soft-spoken candidate and expect more rigorous language. We encourage civil discourse if it can be tolerated. It should be tolerated with strong facts and opinions without rancor. Bullies should be avoided, diminished, and not tolerated, although the problem there is the bullies offer loud language and not civil discourse. Fans and backers of candidates must understand the rules of solid debate without being bellicose. We have less than 70 days until Election Day. Are there enough of us who want to see the tenor of debate and discussion maintain a high level and still be factual?

For those who think we can do better in the demeanor of our elections, the opinion page in The Voice is a setting to offer such positive notes. No letter to the editor needs to be long. Short and to the point. We all need to stand up and be counted on occasion. Might this year be the one in which our readers take the initiative? More than a few can be heard and it will do us all some good. Bullies and obtrusive voices should not be allowed to take center stage and prevail. Often the quiet voice is the most effective. Several individuals may want to offer an opinion to register their voices and sign one letter.

It can be in support of a candidate or a cause, National, State, or community. All civil voices are appreciated and needed in a civil, democratic, forum. Is your voice missing? Have you thought of responding to a letter? Now may be the right time!

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