The remembrances Saturday of the shootings in Aurora February 15, 2019, at the Henry Pratt factory, were efficient, straight forward, and functional. Some family members and friends of the deceased attended in a situation which never is easy. It will haunt for many years. There was a ceremony at the Aurora Police Station and a ceremony at the Aurora Historical Society.
The crosses constructed by retired carpenter Greg Zanis of Aurora for the five deceased individuals only a few hours after their deaths, eventually went to the Aurora Historical Society (AHS). They were on display and well preserved.
The speakers Saturday, see page 1, added to the remembrance with their parts. AHS Board president Mary Clark Ormond was the emcee. She had praise for the hours of dedication and hard work by John Jaros, AHS executive director. A difficult task, well done. Approximately 60 were in attendance.
• Important information which did not find landing places elsewhere in these pages this week, but should be seen, includes, West Aurora High School bands are celebrating their Centennial this year. They are seeking to create a collage in the hallway of band alumni photos. Photos can be sent to with name, graduation year, and details. The Centennial Celebration will be 7 p.m. Saturday, March 7 in the West Aurora High School auditorium.
• State Representative Stephanie Kifowit, Oswego, has filed legislation to allow Legislature assistants to join a union, which ever bargaining unit they choose to join. Senate legislative assistants have a higher starting salary than Legislature assistants.
Clear and concise, week seven:
• Opportunity is the meaning when often the word used is chance, such as we will have an opportunity to see the person if we stop today.
• Normality is correct. Often-used normalcy is incorrect.
• If someone did the task, for example, then there is no reason to say the person was able to do the task. Able is evident. Extra words are unnecessary.