Rehearsals are under way for “Beth: The American Telling of the Scottish Play,” an outdoor production at Aurora Central Catholic High School (ACC).

The takeoff on Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” will be performed outdoors at 6 p.m. Friday, July 12, and Saturday, July 13, at the school, 1255 Edgelawn Drive in Aurora. The production culminates an 11th annual drama camp led by Phil Nohl, ACC drama director. In case of inclement weather, the play would be moved indoors.

Nohl said his comedy is adapted from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” but with witches, Americana, and one-quarter the running time.
Performers are students from Aurora, DeKalb, St. Charles, and Sandwich.

Altough “Beth” is unpublished, other works by Nohl and colleague, Kathy Martin, have been published by Pioneer Drama and performed more than 800 times around the United States.
Attendees should bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. Seating will include sections for blankets and chairs.
Concessions will be available.
Admission is $5. Parking is free.
Cast members are:
Aurora: Anthony Gustafson, Ren Tranchita, Danielle Tranchita, Marissa Masciola, Theo Wiesner, Logan Hepke, Mel Wiesner, Belle Rohlwing, Catie Houck, Natalia Cruz, Danyela Ortiz, Jenn Nohl, Kaylie Masciola, Claire Rufa
DeKalb: Molly Manhart
St. Charles: Navalth Wolnick
Sandwich: Caleb Reynolds, Samantha Reynolds
—Al Benson