Ray McGury receives Naperville Kiwanis award

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Naperville Park District executive director, Ray McGury, received the 2020 Golden Pancake Award from The Kiwanis Club of Naperville at the Club’s 65th Annual Pancake Breakfast March 7. This award is given to an individual who supports the Kiwanis Club’s mission of providing excellent community service with a focus on children and youth.

Naperville Park District executive director, Ray McGury, left, poses with Naperville Kiwanis president, Gary Reese, at the Saturday Naperville Kiwanis Pancake Day. Ray McGury received the Club’s Golden Pancake Award. Submitted photo

When explaining the award, Kiwanis president, Gary Reese, and past president, Mike Mark, said, “The mission of Kiwanis is to serve the children of the world. The Naperville Park District does an amazing job of serving the children and community of Naperville. Under Ray’s leadership Naperville Park District has flourished and continues to follow a master plan which supports our community. Ray has spoken at numerous Kiwanis meetings and serves the children and people of Naperville. He continues to provide over and above engagement that supports a true partnership with our Kiwanis Club. Congratulations and a big thank you to Ray McGury.”

The Kiwanis Club of Naperville is a long-time partner of the Naperville Park District and has devoted many volunteer hours to beautifying parks such as Veterans Park.

—Naperville Park District

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