‘Reach Act’ on sexuality should be blunted

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March 29, 2020
Dear editor;

The Illinois General Assembly is considering SB 2762, nicknamed the “Reach Act.” One of the act’s goals is supposedly to provide to students “medically accurate and complete research on human sexuality.” However, hilariously, SB 2762 is actually based on medically inaccurate information! That legislation would force schools to spread the fiction, spread the politically-correct propaganda, that there are more than two genders.

Anyone who respects science, logic, and natural law knows there are only two human genders: Heterosexual males and heterosexual females. There are, on the other hand, all kinds of sexual or gender-identity disorders, including homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, sadism, masochism, and pedophilia. It was the commonsense position of the American Psychiatric Association for years before it became corrupted by irrational, ever-so-trendy, political correctness. To basically equate disorders with non-disorders is as absurd as equating morality with immorality or health with illness.

Those paying attention can see that the logic of heterophobic homosexuals is rapidly leading this society down a slippery slope to a more aberrant, disordered, and irrational society. Legal polygamy is coming soon. Maybe down the line we’ll see marriage between straight and homosexual consenting-adult incestuous persons! Whoopee! Anyone who thinks this is progress is deluding himself/herself.

These are strange times we live in, where individuals whose values are upside-down and backward actually think they are progressive while they are trying to take us back more than 2,000 years to the ancient Greek and Roman times when relatively primitive and ignorant people irrationally valued homosexual activity. Talk about being on the wrong side of history! Unreal. Beam me up, Scotty! The inmates are taking over the asylum! Please urge your legislators to oppose this nonsensical bill.

Wayne Lela, Downers Grove

3 Replies to “‘Reach Act’ on sexuality should be blunted”

  1. Can we say, “Solipsistic?” ‘ If it is not my way, it is upside down and backwards and must be banned’. Get real, live in a real world. People of all sorts make up this world. Embrace to differences, love the individuals, hate the labels. None of us has the right to judge another.

    1. Erika, If I could shake your hand, from six feet away, I would. You said in three words what meant more than a whole volume of admonitions Good job..

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