Reader’s Commentary: Accusation: Dems covered for Joe Biden

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

We all stumble and fall. But then there are some who are a bit more clumsy. Enter Wayne Johnson who recently has become a caricature of himself. Every sentence he writes to The Voice, now more than ever, bleeds with anger and hate. Donald Trump escaped assassination, resisted being kicked off ballots, was not jailed, and is winning. Joe Biden’s been kicked to the curb and it’s killing poor Wayne Johnson.

Cognitively-challenged Joe Biden has been dumped overboard same as garbage. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi said, “Joe must go.” The denials concerning Biden’s dementia simply stopped working. I told you so Wayne!

Biden’s cognitive decline has been known for a long time by those of us who have oxygen going to our brains. This is why Joe’s handlers kept him in his basement during the 2020 campaign. Deniers sch as Wayne, and Charles Coddington thought their lies would continue to convince their readers Joe Biden was not suffering mental decline. Media told us he was sharp as a tack and Joe was outworking everyone around him. Incredibly, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, ABC, CBS, ABC, and every other Leftist network and newspaper, including The New York Times, continued the lie for five years. A good portion of Democrat voters were deceived to think the only thing wrong with Joe was his stutter. It’s amazing what mass hysteria can do to people.

The world and world leaders looked on in disbelief as this charade in the U.S. continues, even today. The charlatan Dems said the emperor wore a beautiful robe covering him. Factually speaking, Biden has been naked the entire time until today. Not a pretty sight.

It was when the Democrats finally pushed Joe into the presidential debate with Trump, the jig was up. It was a silent coup and mainstream media pounced when instructed. But it wasn’t because Joe could no longer do the job that he was stabbed in the back. It was only because everyone knew Biden couldn’t win. Notice, Joe Biden is still president. The Democrats still allow a man who is mentally incompetent to continue as president of this country. Incredible!!

Biden can no longer campaign for the 2024 election, but he is allowed to serve six more months. We have two wars of Biden’s making, an economy on the brink of recession, inflation, an invasion of millions of illegals into our country, and according to FBI director Wray, the threat levels for terrorist attacks in the U. S. from those illegals coming from places such as Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, and China are off the chart. Yet, Joe Biden is still in charge.

Mainstream media, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and the Democrats ran a 24/7 campaign of lies and deception to convince Americans Joe Biden was a great leader of this country. They scripted Biden in everything he did, even guiding him off podiums after speeches he read from teleprompters.

It all continues with Kamala Harris today. As I write this article, it has been 22 days since Harris became the Democratic Party candidate for president. There have been no press conferences, interviews, or unscripted speeches during this time. Harris only appears in front of friendly audiences. She takes no surprise questions. It is a repeat of basement Joe’s run in 2020. It’s a campaign of smoke and mirrors. Dems don’t trust Harris to open her mouth unscripted. Media fawn and protect Harris. Criticisms of her are attacked with accusations of racism and sexism. Democrats understand they are running a candidate with no ability to lead. They intend to obscure it from America as they did with Biden.

Finally, Harris was a DEI hire by Biden for VP. She is the most radical and incompetent candidate to ever run for the office of president.

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