By Bela “Bill” Suhayda
How do you believe in a candidate who has done nothing to fix problems she actually helped to create? The answer: “You can’t.”
Kamala Harris is, by far, the worst candidate who has ever run for the office of president. Just as Joe Biden was a hand puppet for the makers and shakers hiding in the dark behind him, Harris will become the same if elected.

Biden/Harris started their four year term creating chaos in the U.S. energy sector. Gas prices went from $2 a gallon of gasoline to $4 a gallon, causing inflation and hardship for Americans. They accomplished this by first shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. They followed this insanity by shutting down drilling and fracking for oil on Federal lands. But they were not done yet. Biden/Harris then took Donald Trump’s sanctions off Russian oil and Iranian oil. And with the lifting of those sanctions, both countries made big money with which they created war. Russia then invaded Ukraine and Iran supplied Hamas with enough wealth to create war against Israel. The attack resulted in the rapes, beheadings and murder of 1,200 Israelis October 7, 2023.
Through large numbers of Executive Orders, Biden/Harris opened our southern border to be controlled by Mexican cartels. The cartels make billions for the suffering they cause and call it a service fee. They create wealth through the trafficking of women and children into sex slavery. Biden/Harris have not paid attention to the insanity they’ve created with the destruction of our border or their oil policies.
Fentanyl, which is brought over our none existent border, kills 100,000 Americans a year. Biden/Harris pay no attention to this or any of the other suffering they have caused in the world. Nor did they pay attention to keeping track of 300,000 children who came across our border accompanied not by their parents, but by strangers who were paid to deliver them here.
A solid secure system of border security, under Trump, has become a funnel of human movement creating death, destruction and slavery for illegals. And the American people are saddled with taking care of the millions who have entered our country. You do not hear about any of this from MainStream Media. You don’t hear how this administration has caused all of this death, pain and suffering. And why don’t you hear about these disasters?
It is because the media has joined a side, the Democrat side. They have become part of the Democrat Party covering for all of the insanity I’ve described above. Confidence of the American people in mass media is now worse than their confidence in the U.S. Congress.
More than 70% of our citizens say our country is on the wrong path. This gives me hope that these people, seeing the insanity that has been created by Biden/Harris, will bring about the change we need. This change we need is not just for our citizens, it is needed by the 300,000 children Biden/Harris has lost, and the hundreds of thousands of women who have been trafficked into the sex trade by the cartels who also control our borders.
Charles Coddington a.k.a. The Sponge and “Wayne’s World” Johnson support Kamala Harris in all of what I’ve described to you above. How do I know this? Because Harris is on record saying “Nothing comes to mind” when asked how things might change under a Harris presidency.