By Bela “Bill” Suhayda
Kamala Harris started the week pilfering a good idea from a free market guy, Donald Trump. The idea involves letting people keep more of their money by removing taxes on tips for people in our service sector. Then, Harris had a Marxist idea. It came from a Venezuelan communist, Hugo Chavez (deceased). Harris’ stolen idea from Chavez involves capping prices to stop inflation she and Biden created. Harris lives in a free market economy, yet wants to employ socialist solutions to our free market. It was government regulations to shut down our oil, by Biden/Harris, that caused the inflation she now wants to control. When you kill the supply of something, it gets more expensive. That’s called inflation.

Biden/Harris’s first action coming into office was to kill the Keystone pipeline, and end drilling and fracking on Federal lands. As I mentioned above, this destruction of oil production and energy independence, by Biden, caused inflation. Gasoline prices went from $2 per gallon under Trump to $4 per gallon under Biden/Harris. When energy prices went up, all prices went up. Everything we manufacture or move to market requires energy. Inflation on food prices in our grocery stores, since Biden/Harris took office, is 17%. The inflation rate of the dollar in 2021 alone was 11%. Inflation under Trump was 2%, according to Axios.
Biden/Harris will never own up to what they’ve done to us. But, Harris will act as if she is our savior, blaming corporations and the oil companies for the inflation we are experiencing. Fact: Oil companies make 10 cents on a gallon of gasoline. Google it. The federal government makes 18.4 cents tax on a gallon of gas. Google it. Fact: The federal government makes more money on a gallon of gas than oil companies do.
The free market solution to inflation is to reverse what started it. It is why Trump said he will be a dictator for only his first day after election when he orders oil companies to “drill baby drill.” But Kamala is not a free-enterprise thinker. She would never order drilling for oil as a solution. In communist countries governments control prices. Harris will behave as a communist who doesn’t want the private sector to control the prices. She will control prices. And why is this? Because Biden/Harris don’t want to take the blame. They want to put the blame for inflation on corporate greed.
When governments control what businesses can charge for their goods, empty shelves are the first result. As corporations become less profitable, they find ways to cut their costs. Laying off workers is a very common way to cut overhead. This creates unemployment.
Fewer employees means lower production, and less profit. And the goods these businesses shipped to market are lost to the consumer.
Empty shelves are the result. Small stores, farms, and businesses can’t compete well against large ones, so they are the first to close their doors. The more price controls are used, the more destruction there is to the economy. Lines for food and other essentials grow as supply dwindles. Then when even big corporations fail, there is mass unemployment and economic failure. It is what Hugo Chavez did to Venezuela. It is what Harris will do to us.
Finally: Because of inflation, a large percentage of poor Americans with high school educations or below are having to decide between purchasing food for their families or paying rent. With the estimated 15 million illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S. under Biden/Harris, our poor not only battle inflation, they must compete with millions of immigrants for jobs.