Reader’s Commentary: Coddington wrong on abortion article assessment

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

Charles Coddington should be embarrassed by his latest article (January 2), but is too ignorant to know where he went wrong. “Spongy,” Coddington doesn’t soak up information well!

So this article is an attempt to set him on the right path. “The Chas,” as Coddington refers to himself, says he soaks up information like a sponge, which is why I Christened him “The Sponge.” What you are about to read here is Coddington in his glory criticizing an article I wrote about abortion, which he couldn’t understand well enough to criticize. Read on for more foolishness from Charles.

“The Chas” says he has read every argument on abortion, pro and con…” My question to Chas: “How could you have learned so little from so much work.” Answer: Spongy doesn’t read well!

Coddington became critical of me “painting” a grisly “portrait” of an abortion.” Dear reader, would you expect to see a pretty picture of an abortion? Charles, how does anyone paint a pretty picture of a late term abortion? The arms, legs and head, of a developing child (in utero), are severed with scissors and scalpels. The child is then born in pieces?

“Spongy,” You shouldn’t be offended by my description of a partial birth abortion, be offended by the legality of partial birth abortion!

Coddington said, and I quote: “B.S.’s (he calls me B.S.) example of abortion as murder, displays his ignorance of pregnancy and child birth which fairly glares out at us. His description tells us that the fetus has “flipped” and is coming out feet first. Any sane person knows that the fetus will never make it out but will rip open the birth canal and cause internal hemorrhaging, resulting in the death of both the mother and the child. The doctors have no choice but to remove the fetus as expeditiously as possible in order to save the life of the mother.”

Coddington is not sane! He seems to think abortions are done any time a child is in a breech position. He Thinks this is what I wrote about in my article. Oh my God, Charles…. You are obviously not playing with a fool deck! The doctor turns the child so that it enters the birth canal feet first. (This is the first step of a late term abortion.) I described this procedure in my article. Look below and read it again! Like a sponge! More Carefully! It’s below my “resume.” “Spongy”, I taught Human Anatomy and Physiology for 25 years. A good portion of my undergraduate degree was in Anatomy and Physiology. This included course work in Embryology, and human reproduction. And now you…Charles…are going to teach me about what I’ve been teaching for a quarter of a century.

This is what I wrote in my article! Read it carefully!

Partial birth abortion is a procedure done in the last trimester of a child’s development. The intent is to end the pregnancy and end the life of the developing child. In this procedure, the baby is delivered breech (feet first). The head of the child is not allowed to exit the birth canal. If it did, the procedure would be considered murder. The child is allowed to be fully born with the exception of the child’s head. The “doctor” then drills a hole in the back of the baby’s skull. A tube is inserted in the hole and the brain of the child is suctioned out of the skull. The child is born dead! This is called a partial birth abortion. Children being born feet first pose no major problem. Most of them have cesarean births!

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