By Bela “Bill” Suhayda
Any country’s survival is determined by only a few important things. In the case of our country, prosperity, freedom, and overall stability depend on our constitutional and political stability. A strong economy and a reasonably strong currency are key. A strong military is essential to keep the wolves at bay.
Education is more essential in our world, even as we put less academic rigor into our public educational systems. Instead of academics, public schools are now more about social justice for the new world order. Critical race theory and the 1619 Project inject racism into school curriculums. Without respect for our real history or for law, which brings social order, or a pride and reverence for our country along with secure borders, our future looks bleak.

Having the ability to feed our people is as basic a need as can exist.
Gathering and using the natural resources we depend on keeps our economy going. Producing enough energy and fuel to run our machinery and transportation are essential as well as the energy independence that keeps us out of war. All of these things are necessary and vital in maintaining national autonomy, self reliance, and determination.
Since inauguration day, most of what I have listed above has come into question.
The challenges we face today are not just China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
The greater problems we face are internal with the political turmoil we deal with on a daily basis. Our major cities are in chaos as a result of a push by the political left to stop enforcing local laws and the laws of the country by defunding law enforcement. The constant accusations of racism of one group for another keeps American pitted against American.
We are destroying the fundamental values of our country, which have been protected in the U.S. Constitution, until now. Using lies, distortions, and omissions in reporting events, the media is attempting to both cancel information about what is happening in our world, and create an alternate reality they want our public to think is true. The left turns American against American, which is divide and conquer.
If you don’t believe their prattle, along with the accusations of racism they sell us, you are the racist. The fascists who have taken over the Democrat Party are interested in only one thing, their power. Those Americans who want to be on what they think is the right side of history, signal their approval of the woke who have taken over an entire political party. Most recently, this takeover includes corporate America and all of professional sports. The Mafia used to sell protection to businesses. Today it is leftists and leftist organizations such as Marxist BLM practicing the shake down.
Our institutions are the foundations of our country. Precisely for this reason, there is and has been a concerted effort, by the left, in the United States to destroy the checks and balances our founders put in place to continue a union in which dictators and fascists could not gain a foothold in our governmental institutions. Federalism, the filibuster, the packing of the Supreme Court of the United States, statehood for D.C., the defunding of police, are all designed to undermine our union as we have known it.
Gaining more power, keeping that power, and creating one-party rule, is what the leftist Democrat Party is determined to do. Freedom, due process, and justice, have become relics of a time when the belief was in liberty for all.