Reader’s Commentary: Earth movement cycles continue

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

First in a series

When politics and science mix, science always loses, as does truth.

Huge money has been invested into the Climate Change movement world wide. So it is only natural big money will push for the type of industry and technology their vested interests support. Government is controlled by special interests, just in case you haven’t noticed. So government will support the types of scientists, and the research they do, in our universities, giving government the answers they want to hear. Barack Obama used to tell us 90% or more of scientists agree man-made climate change is a threat to our world. He said this before investing $14 Million in beach front property on Martha’s Vineyard. There are others in government who have echoed the notion people who don’t believe we have man made climate change should be arrested. Then we have 17-year-old Gretta Thunberg, screaming at the world how, “we have stolen her life right in front of her eyes.” Alexandria Ocasio Cortez continues to tell us the world is coming to an end in less than 12 years. The sky is falling.

Our planet is 4.5 Billion years old. Gravity and fluid dynamics built it. Our solar system came to be through these forces. The planet has cycled through countless warming and cooling effects. Climate change is a given. We don’t live in a static universe. There are many factors that contribute to the ongoing climate change our planet has cycled through in its existence.

Of the things affecting climate change most, solar output stands at the top of the list of important variables. For those of you who know of the 11-year sunspot cycle, you understand the output of solar energy is always changing. Other things affecting radiant energy coming from the sun is our changing distance from the Sun along with a wobble in the tilt of our axis.

The angles in which things move are important in other things besides billiards. Volcanic activity pushes huge amounts of materials into our atmosphere including that dreaded compound CO2. I will explain, in the next part how CO2 is essential to life on our planet, including your life. Plate tectonics contributes tremendously to our climate change. The upper crust of our planet is made up of six plates coming together as though seams on a baseball. There is movement of these continental plates floating on the semi-liquid interior of the mantle of the Earth. India recklessly ran into Asia in a head on collision 55 Million years ago to produce the Himalayas. The collision is still occurring and building up the mountains which deflect the movement of air around and over them.

Because of this continued movement, Mt. Everest is now only the fourth tallest peak on Earth. Had the Himalayas developed at the Equator, or anywhere else for that matter, our climate would be very different. How the continents (crustal plates) float across the face of our planet has everything to do with our climate.

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