Reader’s Commentary: Joe Biden’s dysfunctions have been hidden

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

Hans Christian Anderson wrote a satire entitled “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” It’s a story of two swindlers pulling a fraudulent stunt on a vain King obsessed with fashion and nobility. The two con men tell the King they will create the most exquisite Royal attire for him ever known in the land. They explain to him and his court, the clothing is so exquisite, it can only be seen by the most wise people of the world.

The King and his entourage are so full of their wanton lust for being seen as wise and fashionable, they say nothing when the two shysters pretend to dress the King in their beautiful, yet nonexistent creations. The assembled at the event don’t dare say the emperor is naked. To acknowledge the truth would reveal they were commoners lacking wisdom. The deception works until the end of the story when an innocent child, without false pretenses or vanity, reveals what he sees to those gathered saying: “The King is naked!” The crowd roars with laughter as the young child tells the truth allowing those gathered to see beyond their self absorbed stupidity.

Enter Joe Biden and main stream media. For more than three years, when I use my remote to get CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC et. al., I am told how wise, wonderful, and smart president Joe Biden is and how Joe outworks those around him. Those of us who see Biden as he truly is are told we’re not wise…and in fact stupid commoners, and hateful insurrectionists. Joe calls us insurrectionists and even terrorists.

Interestingly, Joe ran on being our unifier.

It’s been main stream media’s (MSM) job, given first amendment protections, to call the balls and strikes in our political discourse. The purpose of nonpartisan journalism is to report things for what they are. It’s the purpose of MSM to report facts… so that we can see the naked truth. It’s not the job for media, the FBI, or DOJ to take a political side, which they very obviously have done.

The U.S. presidential debate was a live event for the Nation. So no one, including media, Democrats, Wayne Johnson, nor “The Chas”, the latter two in The Voice, could manipulate the truth about what we saw. We saw Biden for who he is, a cognitive mess just as special prosecutor Hur testified. We finally saw the unedited naked Joe. Those watching and listening to MSM, Democrats, Wayne Johnson, and “The Chas” saw what we’ve seen.

So the jig is up. But the damage to our country under the naked, senile, president has been done.

Look what emperor Joe and this administration have accomplished because of a complicit media. Biden put Donald Trump, his political rival, on trial. Biden’s insane policies revolving around oil, created wars in Ukraine and Israel. Biden removed sanctions on the sale of oil Trump placed against Russia and Iran. Then, Biden put into place 25 executive orders destroying what Trump enacted to secure our border.

The result was 12 million illegals, fentanyl, and human traffickers coming into our country.

Joe’s cognitive dysfunctions have been hidden by the Democrats and MSM. Biden was placed out of sight in his basement during the 2020 presidential campaign. Democrats hid Joe while the media ran his presidential campaign which consisted of Trump character assassination. The Democrats have depended on media and the ignorance of their political base to make Joe a puppet president. The policy decisions we’ve seen from Biden were not all his. Operatives behind the veiled curtain are doing Joe’s work, then pulling Joe’s strings. The live debate performance finally laid bare the real Joe Biden for the world to see.

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