By Mike Britton
Naperville, Ill.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines treason as “The betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts”.
Anyone watching the news or visiting the Southern border can see our Commander in Chief has opened the borders of our country for an unchecked invasion by illegal immigrants. President Joe Biden’s words and actions have caused a direct assault on the sovereignty of our Country, the health of our lawful citizens.
Biden directly invited this crisis when, during a 2019 Democratic debate he said, “I would in fact make sure…we immediately surge to the border all those people seeking asylum…”. To make it worse, he insulated those here illegally as protective agencies were dismantled, sanctuary cities promoted, and deportations stopped in many cases. These actions have the effect of inciting an invasion of our country and asking the American taxpayers to pay for it.
Open border policies have immigration control and law enforcement agents overwhelmed with hundreds, if not thousands of potential enemies of the United States surging across the border with a likely disproportionate negative impact on minority communities.
We all agree that caring and helping are foundational principles upon which this Nation has been built. No country provides more support to the rest of the world than the United States. However, the idea of a caring economy where it is our duty to provide for everyone asking for help is completely unrealistic.
The world has too many needs for the taxpayers of the United States to solve. It is far too easy to fall for emotional talk from progressive politicians who eagerly vote to share the wealth and national treasury built by us and our ancestors. Any systematic disregard for laws of the United States should not be tolerated by its citizens regardless of how nicely expressed on a politician’s teleprompter. The data since 2009 shows most illegal immigrants are not granted asylum status, but rather are here for the simple purpose of improving their financial standing or getting a share of the country’s wealth.
Never has there been such a dereliction of duty or blatant disregard for our country’s laws, our Constitution and the physical and financial health of our citizens.