Reader’s Commentary: On taking exception to The Voice writers

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

I’ve had to shake my head hundreds of times through the years reading Wayne Johnson’s montage of demeaning hateful slurs in The Voice cynically aimed at his favorite protagonist, Donald Trump and of course, yours truly. A couple of weeks ago, in a gesture of fake humility, Wayne promised to give me a reprieve of sorts. He said he would get back to fact-checking me another time because he had better things to write about. The fact is, Wayne never has fact-checked me. He simply indulges in character assassination. It’s his favorite medium. He uses colorful bad mouthing in place of debate, which is all he does because he has no grasp on reality.

Wayne is unable to articulate an argument. So he gets ugly, nasty, and mean. Facts in Wayne’s articles are as rare as a coherent sentences in a Biden speech, even when aided by a teleprompter. Wayne has anger issues. A perfect example is the one I’ve written about several times. In an article to The Voice, a few months back, Wayne wrote he would like to see Trump dragged through the streets to his death just as Musolini had been in Italy during his execution after World War Two. Then Wayne lamented, feigning fake humility, saying the only reason Trump could not be treated in this manner is because he’s too fat to be dragged through the streets.

Charles Coddington doesn’t hate the Jews quite as much as the Ayatollah.

The Chas, as he refers to himself, wrote to The Voice, he’s a socialist, a democratic socialist. We’re are supposed to be comforted by his use of the word democratic. In a previous article The Chas stated the nation of Israel has no “legal or moral right” to exist. He sides with a raping, beheading, torturing, hostage-taking terrorist organization, Hamas over the Israeli people. He denies it in the May 9 edition of The Voice, but if you go back and look at Coddington’s writings, after the October 7 terrorist attack, you will see he is with Hamas. Why else would Coddington say Israel has no legal or moral right to exist. The Palestinians say it all the time. “From the River to the Sea” is a call for genocide.

Coddington tries comforting the reader by suggesting he is a benevolent socialist, unlike Hitler or Stalin. And we’re supposed to be comforted by this distraction from the truth. Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Nicholas Maduro promised they were going to be wonderful democratic socialist when they came to power in Cuba and Venezuela. But, things didn’t quite work out that way. The Cuban people are and have been in abject poverty since the Castros took over. A huge number of Cubans, not very enamored with Castro, simply disappeared. The Cubans, who were allowed to live, are still driving GM and Ford products from the 1950s.

Venezuelans have had shortages of almost everything imaginable, including personal freedoms and the basics of life, such as food. Some were starving…so they took-to-the zoos. They weren‘t looking for entertainment, or delicacies. They simply butchered animals for food. They were looking for animals to slaughter for basic sustanance.

P.S. Venezuela was the most prosperous country in South America in the 1970s, with enough oil to make the country one of the richest in the world. Then Hugo Chavez and Meduro thought of being democratic socialists, just as The Chas has become.

P.P.S. Venezuelan refugees comprise one of the fastest-rowing populations in the U.S. today. Coddington’s democratic-socialism is succeeding in emptying Venezuela.

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