By Bela “Bill” Suhayda
Joseph Stalin (un-elected leader of the Soviet Union, 1922 to 1953) once said, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” Stalin indicted, then executed his political enemies. He did the same with millions of his civilians who spoke out against him. Executions aside, Stalin’s methods of political persecution are happening in Washington. We live in a post-Constitutional United States today. It’s not enough to have a Constitution enumerating our liberties. Government must respect how the Constitution reads and govern in that spirit, or we live as the Soviets did.

Imagine having the full force and resources of all the investigative agencies of the U.S. government and a politicized media, all at your disposal. The above is what the corrupt Democratic Party has and is today. The DNC (Democratic National Committee), Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s DOJ (Department of Justice), FBI, NSA ,CIA, IRS and others, have been going after Donald Trump since his run for president. That persecution continues today even with the New York attorney general, Letitia James, who ran on the mission of prosecuting Trump to put him behind bars. Even as Trump left office, the D.C. elite, Joe Biden’s DOJ, and FBI continue their attempt to destroy him simply because he again may run for president. They fear him so they must destroy him. Those transforming our country to socialism see Trump as their roadblock. The grifters aligned with China, and special interest groups, want him gone.
Hillary Clinton and the DNC, during the 2016 presidential election, hired law firm Perkins Coi, to put together a knowingly-fallacious document (dossier) for the purpose of using knowingly-false information to acquire FISA court warrants to spy on Trump as candidate and president.
Perkins Coi hired Christopher Steele, British intelligence agent, to put together what we now know to be the Steele Dossier. This deceitful document became the center of a frame-up known as Russian Collusion. Trump-appointed attorney general Jeff Sessions was made to recuse himself in the case to leave Rod Rosenstein, no friend of Trump, to appoint special prosecutor Robert Mueller to conduct a three-year investigation into Trump and the accusation he colluded with Putin. As hard as they tried, the findings of Mueller and his Clinton-donating minions, after three years of falsehood media leaks, was that there was no collusion. They couldn’t prove what didn’t happen. There was nothing for which to prosecute Trump. Later inspector general Michael. Horowitz took the FBI and DOJ to task for their violations of the FISA courts and severe bias and misconduct.
The con was exposed, but, no arrests were made for criminal activity, or the criminal activity of Hunter Biden, or FBI agents lying to the FISA courts. We have a two-tiered justice system. A corrupt FBI has Hunter’s laptop. The media has called the laptop Russian disinformation.
We’ve had two failed impeachments of Trump. The first dealt with a phone call Trump made wanting to get to the bottom of what Hunter and Joe Biden were doing in Ukraine. Hunter, with zero experience in energy, was placed on the Board of Burisma, a corrupt energy company in Ukraine. Joe Biden, while vice president), visited Ukraine threatening to withhold U.S. aid if the special prosecutor investigating Burisma, for fraud, was not fired. It’s on video. Trump was impeached for looking into the matter.
Trump was impeached a second time after his presidency was over. Trump told a crowd listening to his speech, Jan. 6, to peacefully go to the capital to demonstrate what he considered a fraudulent election. See “2000 Mules” for details. Trump requested National Guard for security Jan. 6, 2021. Pelosi and D.C. mayor Bowser refused to call up the National Guard.
Now we have the unprecedented act of the FBI’s raiding a former president’s home even over documents taken with him to Mar-A-Lago. The DOJ refuses to release an unredacted affidavit which resulted in the search warrant of the president’s home.
Just as with Russian collusion and the impeachments, chicanery and persecution continue. Stalin’s playbook, for staying in power, is being used in Washington. “Wayne’s World” Johnson, columnist in The Voice is a useful stooge who is lapping it up.