By Bela “Bill” Suhayda
I’m responding to the blithering blather of “Wayne’s World Johnson” and “The Chas” Coddington, ( both contributors to the “insane” section of this publication). I don’t want to waste much of your time or mine. Unfortunately, I don’t speak Wayne-glish so Johnson won’t understand what I’m about to say. Sadly, I’m not well versed in gibberish, or mischaracterizations, either.
“The Chas” and Johnson are two peas in a pod in regard to disinformation.
So I’m sure not much of what I say they will comprehend. My target is you, the reader. The takeaway I want you to have deals with “The Chas” and Johnson’s moral characters. The moral compass of those we listen to is important.
Let’s start with Wayne. Wayne fantasizes about the assassination of Donald Trump. A few months back, Johnson wrote about the execution style assassination of the infamous fascist Italian leader Musolini while referencing Trump. Johnson wrote and I quote: “When elected president, Trump would consolidate the government into one big, happy Executive Branch so he could have complete control, an idea he stole from fascist Benito Mussolini in Italy in the 1930s. Musolini ended up with his body hanged upside down at a gas station. Don-Don’s too fat to be dragged through the streets and hanged.” End quote. I leave you to judge the moral character of Wayne Johnson who publicly wishes for the assassination of a former president now running for office.
“The Chas” is a person who wants to impress us more than he wants to inform. Charles wants validation through self-promotion. Charles believes he has “read his way into superiority.” He tells us, in no uncertain terms, he lives on a higher plane from us commoners. He does this because he’s an insecure man and a narcissist. Coddington seems incapable of understanding the horrors of October 7. He wrote Israel’s existence is both “illegal and immoral” with no rights as a sovereign nation. Charles would fit right in with those chanting genocide for the Jews “From the River To The Sea.” Coddington justified massacre, rape, and murder of 1,400 Israelis because he thinks the Jews don’t have “legal or moral” rights to be where they are. He is with the far left wing of the Democratic Party along with Rashida Tlaib, Illan Omar, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who call for the genocide of Israelis.
I attended the recent Aurora City Council emergency meeting concerning new ordinances dealing with migrants being bussed to Aurora. I listened to virtue signaling speaker after speaker berating the City Council for its handling of this emerging crisis. Every speaker from the audience was enraged at how unprepared the City was for the care, feeding, and sheltering, of these poor people on this first day of Winter. They suggested it was the City Council dropping the ball. Others blamed Texas and governor Abbott. Not one speaker spoke to the crux of the issue. It seemed, none of them understood cause and effect. They spoke as if this was a local issue and the ity had no idea how to solve it. There was no mention of U.S. president Joe Biden, Mayorkas, or Harris or the eight million migrants that have breached our borders.
I wasn’t fooled. When liberals are forced to face the disaster of open borders, they blame anyone except the source of the problem. In true leftist style, they attacked everyone but Biden’s open border policy.