Reader’s Commentary: Responsibility of positive changes a shared goal

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By Dr. Claudio Ruiz – 
We all are becoming very much aware of the changes that are taking place in our planet. These changes include positive discoveries and ways to make life better and easier. However, at the same time there has been an increase of negative conditions that in my opinion, greatly outweigh the good things.
What’s the point of having all these good things if none of us truly can enjoy them?
We have chaos in all aspects of our lives, in our government, our economy, our physical bodies, our emotions, and psychology, the way we think and rationalize, the use of the media with their constant negativity, our educational system, our spiritual growth and in what I considered most important, our family lives.
It seems that all of a sudden not many know what they are doing or even what they want. Most of us find ourselves always complaining about our jobs, about how tired and confused we are, but the worst is that many times we don’t know what to do when we encounter these simple challenges.
We must realize that this complaining blocks us from getting guidance to resolve any issues affecting us in a negative way. The reason why this occurs is because many of us have lost the connection with our inner self. We have lost the concept of who we are and why we are here. We have lost the concept of awareness, of understanding, and to be more exact, of consciousness.
We have forgotten what life is supposed to be about, as well as the true purpose of the soul. It has been happening slowly throughout the thousands of years that have gone by and is still happening today. We must accept and understand that there has been a descent in our consciousness. This descent in consciousness is responsible for the way our lives are today and for the many negative conditions in the world.
Most of us have been searching for freedom, yet we really don’t know what freedom is. In the name of freedom, we have allowed the growth of perversion, fear, and doubt, to filter within our beings and the surrounding world. We have become possessed by material possessions, negative desire, and greed. We are so confused about the simplicity of life that we indulge in the material world and forget to balance it with the spirit.
This descent in consciousness has made us rely on the material world for our survival. Material possessions have become a sign of status and power. The total obsession with material gain and the bottom line blinds us and therefore we can’t see clearly in order to make appropriate decisions and the culprits are fear, doubt, and lack of faith. But all this can change!
In this new age an awakening process is occurring and is forcing us to become aware of whom we are by rediscovering the connection to our inner-self. This process is occurring and will continue whether we like it or not. Things are getting worse and the only way to change them is by raising our consciousness and helping others to do the same. We are already seeing the changes that are occurring in this day in age. Changes that are making history; we are seeing how humanity is beginning to change.
The 2008 presidential election is a perfect example; it truly showed that we were hungry for peace, the feeling of safety and security that that president may bring, but time will tell if in fact the voters made the right choice. The energy that comes with the governmental change is something to be observed and the success of it truly depends on each of us to turn this country around. The responsibility of lifting ourselves and this country is all of ours, not just one individual.

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