Reader’s Commentary: Something sinister in our country, left’s hypocrisy

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

I see something sinister and evil that has invaded our country. I don’t believe I’m alone in this observation. We have family against family, friend against friend, and a fear in many to speak out about what they think. We have lost our collective trust and confidence in our fellow citizens. And there is a demonization of people who disagree with the progressive left.

Enter Wayne Johnson and Charles Coddington who, in my opinion, are toxic to anyone who reads their hate filled articles. These two men do not deal with facts. They’d rather use anger and hate to influence your beliefs.

Their message is not to inform. They want you in their hate club. Misery loves company! And in my estimation both of these individuals are miserable people. Coddington’s new name for me: “Gaslighter.”

Somehow it has become un-American to do a census, concerning how many Americans are in America. If a man pretends to be a woman, we are required to pretend with him, using his preferred pronouns, or our jobs may be in jeopardy if this happens in the workplace.

Russians attempting to influence our elections is bad but illegal immigrants, with drivers licenses registered to vote, are a good thing.

It was okay for Joe Biden to blackmail the president of Ukraine, but it was an impeachable offense for Donald Trump to investigate the blackmail.

People who never owned slaves are supposed to pay reparations to people who were never enslaved.

People who have not been able to go to college, for whatever reason, are made to pay the loans of those who did go to college.

Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcomed into our country, but you had better relinquish your bodily autonomy to the state when it is mandated you get a Covid “vaccine” or lose your job.

British doctors and German engineers coming into the U.S. must go through a rigorous vetting procedure, but any Venezuelan gang-banger, who can jump a fence, is welcome.

Five billion dollars for a border wall Trump asked for, is too expensive, but a 1.5 trillion dollar bill for socialized health care and coverage for 15 million illegals is fine.

If you cheat on your taxes, you go to prison( Hunter is the exception), but if you cheat to get into this country, you get free health care, free housing, a spending allowance on a credit card, and a free college education.

Ketanji Brown Jackson and leftists say they don’t know what a woman is, yet they demand our next president be a woman.

We saw Venezuela go communist. The result was starvation and economic collapse, yet Kamala Harris thinks this should be your future. Some are held responsible for things before they were born, yet we have people not held responsible for what they are doing today.

Kamala Harris started a go-fund-me account for looters and arsonists in Minneapolis letting them out of jail, but a 75 year old grandmother was put in prison for five years for her crime of sitting in front of a door to a Planned Parenthood “clinic.”

Pointing out all of this hypocrisy in some people’s eyes, such as “The Chas” and “Wayne’s World” Johnson, makes me a racist. People were dying of a Chinese virus in 2020, yet it was xenophobic for Trump to refer to it as “The Chinese virus” even though it was from China!

I’ve seen something evil enter our country. I don’t believe I am alone thinking this way. We have lost our collective trust and confidence in our fellow man. Wake up America!

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