Reader’s Commentary: Ultimate goal: Saving the U.S. ship

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By Marjorie Logman – 
I thought of a parable that may relate to what I see in Washington, D.C.: There was a young man who asked his father if he could borrow the car the next day and the father responded by saying yes. The next morning the young man asked for the keys and the father said no. The boy was discouraged and asked his mother if it were true. She said the father was letting him use the car, but the father said no. The boy walked to school and related his parents’ confusion to his friends who did not understand it. The young man’s aunt said it is because he is a Democrat and his parents are Republicans, which made no sense.
The Donald Trump administration wants to make America great again by going back to the Founders who claimed they discovered America, but that was only personal because many were here already.
Native Americans were named Indians by the Pilgrims. The French were here along with Spaniards, Mexicans, and African Americans. It would be the same as my going to Idaho, where I never have been, and the claiming I discovered it.
The principles that the writers of the U.S. Constitution used often were based on the Bible. The problem is that the liberty and justice for all was meant for them and not for all who were here. The basis was great, but certainly not inclusive.
In the White House seat is a person who wants it to go back to liberty and justice for them and not for all. In the Christian bible, God is quoted as saying “Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” All means all.
So much disinformation! The economy is doing great! But for whom? How many of us are in debt to creditors, working two jobs, needing health care we cannot afford, and trying to live a lifestyle that often is unachievable.
The administration has said that the Muslim religion is the cause of our problems and wants to ban them from the United States. If this precedent is set; what if the next president would say that Christians are the problem and wants us out, or all to go to camps in, say Montana?
The president is saying that the Mexicans are the ones causing problems and we should put children in cages and camps and justifies it with the bible. To paraphrase the bible through a song: Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black, and white, Jesus loves the children of the world.
There is a lot of blaming going on. Jokingly, many years ago the Irish came seeking asylum from famine and we were told they were the problem. If we did that again we would have to remove all the Kennedys and if it was 20 years ago, remove more than half of the Chicago police force.
It is as though America is a boat and the president is the captain. He is sitting high on the starboard right while many others are on the far left where water is coming in and we are shouting help save the boat. His view is that up high, right, looks fine if you do not look left and see America sinking. He calls it fake news and won’t listen to anyone. He wants a legacy, but if he doesn’t look around to see the ship sinking he will be known as the one who brought it down no matter how many rooms on the ship were named after him.
Our job on the boat is to rise up, speak to the captain before it goes down, or get a new captain. It is not a Republican ship or a Democratic ship, but the American ship. If you hold on to biased and prejudice views, and lies, they will be of no benefit if the ship goes down.
The complacency of fools is death.

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