By Bela “Bill” Suhayda
Sugar Grove, Ill.
We cannot be the shining city on the hill if we are not first a nation of laws and justice. We cannot fulfill our destiny as a free people if we don’t have the lady of justice wearing her blind fold. The president of the United States cannot call parents at school board meetings domestic terrorists and have unity in our Nation. We cannot have the president of the United States secretly receiving millions of dollars from foreign concerns and governments. And it is un-American for a president to weaponize the DOJ (Department of Justice) against his political rivals. But these are things in plain view for us to see.

The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees equal protection of all of us under the law. “No one is above the law.” We have proudly said this throughout the millennia. These words do not apply to our country anymore. If even a part of the Constitution can be ignored in some cases but, not others, we no longer have our freedoms or the 14th Amendment. See COVID for other breaches of our U.S. Constitution.
Hillary Clinton, after leaving the State Department, destroyed subpoenaed documents on an unsecured server with more than 100 classified documents on it. She destroyed her cell phones with hammers so that their contents could not be found out. Former FBI director James Comey exonerated her on national television She suffered no consequences. Joe Biden took classified documents with him out of the White House as vice president and stored them in unsecured places, such as his garage and at Penn State University. Nothing happened. Sandy Berger, former president Bill Clinton’s national security advisor, stole classified documents from the National Archives pertaining to information concerning 9/11. No indictment. Every president has taken their papers with them after leaving office, even former vice president Mark Pence took some papers.
The DOJ was and continues to be silent on all of these issues.
Former president Donald Trump has been treated in a very different way. He was the subject of a three-year investigation (Russian collusion) all based on fabricated information. Igor Danchenko, a Russian spy, made up a story that was relayed to British agent Christopher Steele, who relayed it to the FBI who leaked the story to mainstream media who printed all of it without verifying the authenticity of the story. It was done to destroy Trump in the eyes of the country. The Mueller, Horowitz, and the Durham Reports all exonerated the former president. A few FBI people were fired. But things get worse.
Trump was impeached twice and acquitted twice. Since leaving office and after declaring his candidacy for the presidency, Trump is again being persecuted by the State of New York and the Federal government.
This time it has to do with his presidential papers he took with him after leaving the presidency. Instead of suing Trump for the documents, under civil statutes, the DOJ, has gone after Trump criminally. No other president ever has had his home raided or criminally charged over documents in his possession until now.
I don’t recognize this country any more. The world looks on us in horror.
They don’t recognize the city on the hill. Our enemies, China, Iran, and Russia are licking their chops seeing America in disarray, woke, and corrupted. China is building a military installation in Cuba. Spy balloons fly over our country unmolested. Our dollar shrinks and we are energy-dependent. The city on the hill is no longer!